Reading time is 22 mins


I have made long sentences, but it is very useful. I wish you to read it with pleasure.

I wanted to take a look at what we put our bodies through. That’s why we had a little chat with the organs. They asked me a lot of questions. Besides, they had the answer to every question? Why do you suffer sometimes? Why are you crying? Why do you get allergies sometimes? Why why why. After a lot of questions that I didn’t know the right answers to, the lesson started. I was put into a serious education. Sit down here now, we are calling you the spokespeople of diseases. They said don’t worry and listen. I was quiet, I listened calmly. Let me tell you a little bit too.

It’s been a long sharing, but believe me, there is useful information. Sentences on the subject of treatment are a necessary remedy for making affirmations within ourselves.

Why do we suffer? the answer to his question; The ”guilt feeling” Treatment: “I leave the past with love. They and I are free now. I am at peace.” it is necessary to repeat his sentences when we are suffering.

What’s wrong with your kidneys? According to Addison’s disease- Adrenal gland disorders; Don’t be defeated. Not to take care of yourself anymore, not to take care of yourself. It was anxiety and fear. Her treatment: “I love, like and approve of myself. It’s a good and reassuring thing that I take care of myself.”

Why do the lymph nodes malfunction? According to the description of lymph, Adenoids are from the Growth of Lymph Nodes. Friction and arguments within the family. That’s why the fact that the child feels unwanted, thinks, disrupts the nerves of the lymph nodes. If such a situation happens to our child, please, this is the cure. “This child was wanted, well received and deeply loved.”

Girls, the answer to the discomfort associated with menstruation sounded very bitter. Do not reject your femininity. Guilt, fear. The feeling of believing that the reproductive organs are sinful or unclean was disordered. Her treatment ; “As a woman, I accept all my strength, I accept all my bodily processes as normal and natural. I love and approve of myself.”

Why don’t some of us have menstruation? : Not wanting to be a woman. It was triggered by feelings of self-dislike in our genital areas. His treatment; “I am satisfied with myself, femininity gives me joy. I am a beautiful expression of life that has always flowed perfectly.”

Why does she have premenstrual syndrome and why do we have painful menstrual problems? The result of allowing confusion to dominate is pre-syndrome. Do not surrender your power to external influences. Rejecting the processes of femininity, getting angry with yourself, hating your own body or femininity is an effective reason. His treatment; “Now I take responsibility for my mind and my life.I am a strong,dynamic woman.Every part of my body is working perfectly.I love myself. I love my body. I love myself.I love all my limbs.Everything is fine.

Why do adrenal problems occur? A sense of defeat. Not caring about yourself. Out of concern, of course. Her treatment: “I love and approve of myself. I hear the desire to take care of myself.”

Mouth inflammations, odors and ailments? The mouth represents the absorption of new ideas and nutrients, represents the absorption of new ideas and nutrients, Thoughts of anger and revenge, Hard-mindedness. Narrow-mindedness. Inability to accept new ideas. The cure: “I feed myself with love. I’m just creating joyful experiences in my loving world, everything is fine. I leave the past with love. I only choose to express love, I am open to new ideas and concepts and I am ready to digest and assimilate them.”

Why are we crying? My answer was “I wanted it that way,” but I liked what I heard even more. Tears are the rivers of life. Tears are shed in joy as well as in sadness and fear. His treatment: “I am at peace with all my feelings. I love and approve of myself. “

So why are we crying? Angry eyes. Do not refuse to see with love. Do not choose to die rather than forgive. Don’t be vindictive. His treatment: “I gladly forgive. It revives my eyesight and I see with compassion, understanding.“

Aches, aches? Longing for love. To miss being touched. Her treatment: “I love and approve of myself. I am a caring and loved person.”

What about AIDS? Self-denial and a sense of inadequacy. Don’t feel vulnerable and hopeless. Don’t think that no one cares about themselves. It’s his strong belief that he’s not good enough. Don’t give up on yourself. Feelings of sexual guilt. Although there is no cure, our sentences will strengthen; “I am a part of the universal composition. I am important and I am loved by Life itself. I am strong and able. I completely love and approve of myself. I am a holy and glorious expression of life. I am Junked by my sexuality.”

Lung problems? Not accepting life. Depression. Sadness. Not to consider yourself worthy of a full life. His treatment: “My life is in perfect balance. I have the right and the capacity to live life to the fullest.”

Discharge? Resentment towards the wife. Feelings of sexual guilt. Don’t punish yourself. Treatment: “Others make a mirror image of the love and respect I feel for myself. I am experiencing the enthusiasm of my sexuality.”

Acne -Acne of adolescence : Inability to accept oneself. Self-dislike. His treatment: “I am a Divine expression of life. I love and accept myself for who I am.”

Allergies? Who are you allergic to? To reject his own power. The cure :”The world is safe and friendly. I’m safe. I am at peace with life.”

Alcoholism? What’s the use? Feelings of uselessness, guilt, inadequacy. Self-denial. Treatment: “I’m living in the moment. Every moment is a new moment. I choose to see my self-worth. I love and approve of myself.”

Alzheimer’s disease? The desire to leave life. Not being able to accept life as it is. Treatment: “Everything develops in the right order of time and place. Everything is happening as it should be.”

Amnesia – memory loss ? Fear, escape from life. The inability to stand on your own two feet. Treatment: “I have always had intelligence, courage and self-worth. I like being alive.”

Anemia: the ”yes, but” approach. Lack of Junkiness. Fear of life. The feeling of not being enough. His treatment, “I have a lot to enjoy in all areas of life. I love life.”

Angina -Sore throat. Tonsillitis? A strong belief that he cannot speak without hesitation on his own behalf and demand his needs. Treatment: “Meeting my needs is a right I have from birth. I demand my wishes lovingly and comfortably.”

Anxiety anxiety : Lack of confidence in the flow and course of life. The cure: “I love and approve of myself. I trust the flow of life. I’m safe.”

Anorexia -excessive loss of appetite: rejection of life. Extreme fear, self-loathing and rejection. Treatment: “I am who I am. I’m happy to be who I am. I choose to live. I choose pleasure and acceptance of myself.”

In the anus, abscess, pain, fistula, itching, bleeding? Throwing point, unloading point. The anger you feel at not being able to leave what you want to leave. Don’t feel guilty. The desire to be punished. Inability. To throw away unnecessary things by partially holding them. Being stuck with the negatives of the past. Feeling guilty about the past. Regret. Our treatment phrases are, “I easily and conveniently discard things that I don’t need. I’m safe when I let go. I just throw away things I don’t need. The past is in the past. Now I choose to love and approve of myself. With love, I completely free the past. I’m free. I am love. I forgive myself with love. I’m free. I trust the flow of life. I am taking the right and useful steps.

Apathy – indifference? Not allowing emotions. Don’t feel like you’re dead. Fear. Our treatment sentences are, “I allow my feelings. I’m opening myself up to life. I am ready for life experiences.”

Appendicitis? Fear, fear of life. Blocking the flow of good things. Treatment:”I’m safe. I relax myself and let life flow with pleasure.”

Abscess? This seems very striking to me. Don’t turn around in feelings of hurt, contempt, revenge. Treatment: “I allow my thoughts to be liberated. The past is over. I’m at peace.”

Arteriosclerosis, arteriosclerosis: the vessels that carry the joy of life. Resistance, tension. Embedded narrow thoughts. Refusing to see the good. The cure: “I am filled with the joy of life. With every beat of my heart, it spreads throughout my entire body. I am completely open to life and pleasure. I choose to look at it with love.”

What’s wrong with the joints? What happened to my fingers?Don’t feel unloved. Do not constantly criticize yourself and others, do not be angry. Don’t overly want everything to be perfect. The desire to punish, blame. Feeling that you are a victim. The cure: “I am love. I choose to love and approve of myself. I look at others with love. I look at it with love and understanding. I approach all my experiences with the light of love.”

Shallot -Eye Disorders : Don’t look at life with angry eyes. Don’t feel angry at someone Treatment phrase: ”I choose to see everyone and everything with joy and love.”

Hiring a car? Fear. Captivity. Feeling trapped. Treatment: “I move easily through time and space. Love surrounds me all around.”

Asthma: Suffocating love. Inability to feel your own individuality, independence. Don’t feel repressed, suffocated. Suppressed crying. Fear. Not trusting in life. Getting stuck in childhood. Treatment: “I have the confidence to take charge of my life. I choose to be free.”

Foot fungus? Frustration and nervousness caused by not being accepted. The inability to easily leave these behind and move forward. The cure: “I love, like and approve of myself. I promise myself to move forward. Moving forward is a good, safe, non-dangerous thing.”

Leg problems Upper part? Not being able to recover from the effects of childhood traumas. Leg problems Lower part? Fear of the future. Not wanting to move. Treatment: “They were doing the best they knew for me. I forgive them.I love my family. I am moving forward with confidence and joy, knowing that everything is fine in my future.”

Tonsil suicide? Fear.Suppressed emotions.Clogged creativity. Treatment: “What is for my benefit is now flowing comfortably.The divine ideas find expression through me. I am at peace.”

Addictions? Running away from yourself. Fear. Not knowing how to love yourself. Treatment: “I have now realized what a wonderful being I am. I choose to love myself and Junket.”

Intestinal Problems : (It allows the excretion of feces. Being afraid to throw away what is old and not needed.) I let go of the old with ease, I accept the new with enthusiasm.

Hemorrhoids – Breech : (Deadlines -inability to grow- fear. Anger at the past. Don’t be afraid to let go, don’t be afraid to let go. Don’t feel burdened.) I leave everything that is not like love, that contradicts it.There is enough time for everything I want to do.

Headache – migraine : a feeling of worthlessness. Fear. Don’t criticize yourself. Dizziness: Escape. Scattered thought. Refusing to see. The cure: “I love and approve of myself. I see myself and what I do with the eyes of love. I’m in good hands. I am in harmony and peace with life. I feel safe being alive and happy.”

Fainting: Fear. Don’t leave it unable to cope. Don’t lose consciousness temporarily. Treatment: “I have the strength and knowledge to cope with everything in my life.”

The right side of the body: (Represents giving out, letting go, male energy, men, father.) The left side of the body represents acceptance, letting in, female energy, women, mother. Treatment phrases: “I balance my male energy easily, without any effort. My female energy has a perfect balance.

White discharge, Gynecological diseases, inflammation of the reproductive tract :do not believe that women are powerless against men. Do not feel anger towards a lover, a wife. Treatment: “I create all my experiences. I am the power itself. I’m glad I’m a woman. I’m free.”

Throat problems: Not being able to speak for yourself. Swallowed resentment. Clogged creativity. Change and fear. Treatment: “I express myself freely, easily, with love. I use my creativity. I’m ready to change.”

Neck pain: Refusing to look at the problem from another angle. Stubbornness. Not being flexible.Neck retention : An unyielding stubbornness that does not return from its decision.Treatment: “I can see a subject from any angle with ease and flexibility. There are many ways to do and see something. It is a useful and safe –not dangerous- thing to see other points of view as well.”

Kidney problems: Judgment, frustration, failure.Shame. Don’t react like a child. Unresolved, unresolved anger bumps.Treatment: “I’m always taking the right step. Every experience is useful. The right action of God is always taking place in my life. I get only good and useful things from every experience. Growing up is a safe, non-dangerous thing. I easily solve and eliminate all past problems.”

Bronchitis: A family environment that is shouted and called, an uneasy family environment. Arguments and shouting. Sometimes it’s a quiet friction. The cure: “I declare peace and harmony in me and around me. Everything is fine.”

Nosebleed: A desire for acceptance. A sense of not being given importance. I want love. The cure: “I love and approve of myself. I know my true worth.”

Skin disorders – Hives, Psoriasis,Rash: Anxiety, fear. An old, deeply buried danger. Lack of touch. Feeling that our individuality is threatened. The feeling that others have power over us. The old, buried mess. Treatment : “I protect myself with thoughts of peace and love. I have forgotten the past and forgiven, I am free.”

Sexual diseases: The belief that the genitals are a hotbed of sin and filth. Guilt. To use people in sexuality, to exploit, to rape. Treatment: “I express my sexuality with love. I choose to experience sexuality that makes me feel good feelings. It is a good and safe and non-dangerous thing for me to enjoy my own body. I’m glad that I’m a woman.”

Spleen: Fixed ideas, obsessions. Don’t have constant worries and worries about things. The cure: “I love and approve of myself. The life process exists for me.I’m in good hands. Everything is fine.”

Depression: Resentment caused by feeling that you do not have the right to own. Hopelessness. Treatment: “Now I go beyond the fears and limitations of other people. I’m creating my own life.”

Dental problems: Long-term instability. Inability to analyze thoughts to make decisions.) Bleeding gums: Feeling Junkie from the decisions we make in life.Treatment: “I make my decisions without straying from the principle of righteousness. I am confident that I am making the right decisions. I trust in the correctness of the decisions I make. I’m at peace.

Diabetes –Diabetes mellitus : Regret of past choices. The need to take control of life. Deep sadness. Not to get a taste of life. The cure: “This moment is full of beauties. I choose to live, to see the sweet aspects of the day.”

Knee problems: Stubborn ego and pride. The inability to compromise. Inability to compromise. Inflexibility. The cure: “I forgive. I understand. I feel compassion. I compromise easily.”

Cold sores of the lips:the habit of underestimating life. Don’t be overly critical of yourself and others. The habit of saying how bad everything is, isn’t it. Treatment: “One with life. I love myself and others. I am happy to live.”

Eczema: Excessive opposition, hostility. Breathtaking hatred. Mental fever. The cure, “I am surrounded by harmony, peace, love and pleasure within and around me. I’m safe.”

Infection – Viral infection:Irritability, anger, boredom. Treatment: I choose to be comfortable, harmonious.

Paralysis : Fear. Resistance. Escape from a situation or person. Don’t resist. Treatment: “One with all life. I am literally enough for any situation.”

Hernia: Damaged relationships. Tension. False creative expression. Broken, harmonious relationships. Tension, difficulty, responsibilities, false creative expression. The cure: “I love and approve of myself. I am free to be myself.”

Fibroid -tumors and cysts: deeply breaking to the partner and feeding this resentment. A blow to the feminine self. Treatment: “I am freeing myself from the thought pattern that attracted me to this experience.”

Gastritis – Stomach disorders : Prolonged indecision. Ongoing uncertainty. Bad expectations. Don’t worry. The cure, “I love and approve of myself. I’m in good hands.”

Eye- Astigmatism: The fear of seeing yourself as you are. The ’me “problem.don’t be afraid to really see yourself, to encounter your own self. The cure” “I choose to see my own beauty and glory.”

Cataract: Seeing the future darkly. The inability to look forward with joy and hope. The prospect of a dark future. The cure: Life is endless and Junky. I want to live every new moment.”

Eye – Children: Not wanting to see what is going on in the family. The cure, “This child embraces happiness and beauty. Harmony, joy, beauty and security now surround this child.”

Strabismus: Having opposite goals at the same time. Farsightedness: .Not knowing the value of what is happening at the moment and being afraid. Myopia: Fear of the future. Treatment: “What I saw gives me confidence. Now and here I am. I see that I am safe.”

Goiter – thyroid : hatred of pressure on it. Victim. Insatiability. Do not feel hatred for being made to suffer, punished. Don’t see yourself as a victim. Don’t feel blocked in life. Treatment: “I am the only authority and power of my life. I am free to be myself..”

Indigestion: Instinctive fear, anxiety, inability to cope. don’t feel terrified.Don’t whine and grumble. Treatment:” I digest and assimilate all new experiences with tranquility and joy.”

Hypoglycemia – a decrease in the normal sugar content in the blood : being crushed under the burden of life. Do not be overwhelmed by the responsibilities and burdens of life. ‘What is the meaning of life?” the dominance of type emotions and thoughts.The cure: “I choose to make my life light, easy, enjoyable.”

Lymph node cancer : A huge fear and self-blame about not being good enough. Forgetting the joy of life in the race of self-assertion that a person pursues frantically until there is no essence of blood left to feed himself. Treatment: “I am extremely pleased to be like myself. I am valuable and sufficient as I am. I love and approve of myself.”

Snoring: A stubborn refusal to get rid of stereotypical thoughts. Treatment: “I leave my thoughts that do not have love and Junket in them. I choose the new, the freshness, the vitality.”

Urinary tract infection: Anger, usually felt towards the opposite sex or lover. Blaming others. Treatment: ” I am changing the patterns in my consciousness that create these conditions. I’m ready to change. I love myself.”

Impotence: Sexual pressure, tension, guilt. Community pressure. Anger at the previous spouse. Maternal fear. Treatment :” I express my sexual power with ease and pleasure.”

Constipation : Refusal to give up old ideas. Don’t get stuck in the past. And sometimes stinginess. Treatment: ” I let go of the past, accept the new and necessary. I’m letting life flow through me.”

Heart problems: Emotional problems that have been going on for a long time. Lack of joy. Hardening of the heart. Don’t try too hard. Do not believe that you are under excessive emotional or mental tension. To sacrifice the sense of pleasure for money, position and similar reasons. The treatment: “Enthusiasm, Junkiness, happiness. I allow them to fill my thoughts, my experiences, my body. Happiness. Happiness. Happiness. I am lovingly allowing the joy to flow through my mind, body and experience.”

Leukemia : Lack of joy and inability to move thoughts freely. The cure“ “Joyful new thoughts are circulating freely in me.”

Cancer: Deep pain. Resentment, secret, sadness carried for a long time gnaws at the body. Burying hatred in it. The cure: ” I lovingly forgive everything about the past. I choose to fill my life with happiness. I love myself.”

Liver Problems – hepatitis, jaundice : constantly complaining. Fooling yourself. Constantly finding fault with others in order to be right. Feeling bad. Treatment: “I choose to live with my heart open. I see love everywhere I look.”

Abdominal pains – what causes cramps? Fear is to stop an event, a process that has started. Treatment: “I trust the flow of life. I’m safe.”

Stuttering: Insecurity. Lack of self-expression. Crying is not allowed. Treatment: “I am free to express what I think. I express myself with trust and love.”

Baldness: Fear. Tension. Don’t try to keep everything under control. The cure: “I love and approve of myself. I trust in life.”

Cysts: Watching a painful old movie over and over again. To feed the suffering. Fake growth. The cure: “The cinemas of my mind are showing beautiful films. Because I choose. I love myself.”

Colitis – The intestines are Spasmed with colitis : Extremely strict parents. A sense of suffering and defeat. The great need for compassion. Don’t be afraid to quit. Mistrust. Treatment phrases: ” I love and approve of myself. I create my own happiness. I choose to be a “winner” in life. I am part of the perfect rhythm and flow of life. Everything is in the right Divine order. I live in safety. He will always provide me with my life needs. Everything is fine.”

And what causes cramps? Tension. Fear. Sticking tight. The cure“ “I relax my mind and let it be full of peace.”

Ear pain – otitis media: outer-middle ear canal- inner ear: Resentment. Not wanting to hear. Too much chaos. Parents who fight. Treatment:” There is harmony around me. I hear good and pleasant things. I am the center of love.”

Tinnitus: Refusal to listen. Not listening to the little voice inside us. Stubbornness. Treatment: “I have high self-confidence. I listen to the voice inside me with love. I’m leaving everything that doesn’t have love in it.”

Breast cysts, skewers, pains : Don’t be overly maternal. Overprotective. Excessive intervention that leads to a bullying attitude. Treatment: “I am important. I’m valuable. Now I take care and care of myself with love and pleasure. I give others the freedom to be themselves. We are all in good hands.”

Menopause problems: Fear of not being wanted anymore. Fear of aging. Self-acceptance. Treatment: “I am balanced and peaceful in all periods of life. I bless my body with love.”

Stomach : Fear. Fear. Fear. Compressive fear. Inability to accept an idea or experience. Treatment:” I am breathing comfortably and completely. I’m in good hands. i trust the life process. I am safe. I trust that life will always bring me good. I love, like and approve of myself. I’m at peace with myself. I’m great. Life is in agreement and harmony with me. I absorb the new every day, every moment. Everything is fine.

Migrains – headaches : the feeling of being stuck in a corner. Sexual fears. Do not put excessive pressure on yourself with the desire to be perfect. A lot of suppressed anger. Do not resist the flow of life. Treatment: ” I immerse myself in the flow of life and allow life to provide for all my needs easily and comfortably. Life exists for me. Life is my life.”

Corns: Hardened concepts and thoughts. Concrete fears. Treatment: “It’s safe to see and try new thoughts and ways. I’m open for good. Seeing new ideas and new ways is a safe (non-dangerous) thing to experience. I am open to what is good and I accept it.”

Breath Stink: Thoughts full of anger and revenge. The cure: “I sponge on my past with love. I’m just expressing love.”

Cold : Too many things happening at the same time.mental confusion, disorder. Minor injuries. ’i get colds three times every winter” type beliefs. Treatment: ” I let my mind relax and relax. There is clarity and harmony in me and around me. Everything is fine.”

Spine: The flexible support of life. Not trusting in life. Dishonor. Discouragement. The fear of lack of support. Lack of the ability to flow with the support of life. Don’t try to hold on to fear and old ideas. Not trusting in life. Lack of integrity. Not being able to have the courage to get firm opinions. Extreme family disharmony. Living in an environment full of resentment and anger. Extreme internal confusion. Lack of support. Treatment: “I am supported by life. I am getting rid of all my fears.I trust the life process now. I know that life exists for me. I am standing lovingly, confident and upright. I’m conquering my fears. This is my life.

Osteoporosis – bone resorption : do not believe that there is no support left in life anymore. Treatment: “I am my own self-support, and life supports me in unexpected, loving ways.”

Edema – bloating, water collection : who or what can’t you let go of? Treatment: “I am happy to leave the past behind. Quitting is a good and safe thing without danger. I’m free now.”

Coughs : the desire to shout at the world.’See me! Listen to me!” Treatment: “I am cared for and appreciated in the most positive way. I am loved.”

Pancreas: Symbolizes the taste of life.Rejection. Do not feel anger and disappointment because life seems to have lost its sweetness. Treatment: “I get a taste of life. I love and approve of myself, and I alone create sweetness and joy in my life.”

Fingers: Symbolize the details of life. Treatment: ” I am at peace with the details of life.My mind is calm. I am safe. I am at peace with my sexuality. I am loving and peaceful. I look like I’m in the family of life.”

  • Thumb: Symbolizes intelligence and anxiety. .
  • Index finger: Symbolizes ego and fear.
  • Middle finger: Symbolizes anger and sexuality.
  • Ring finger: Symbolizes togetherness and sadness.
  • Little finger: Symbolizes family and an effort to give a fake appearance.

Prostate problems: Mental fears weaken masculinity. Give up. Sexual repression and guilt. Fear of aging. The cure: “I love and approve of myself. I accept my power. My soul is always young.”

Uterus: Symbolizes the house of creativity. Treatment:” I am at peace with my body.”

Rheumatism: The victim. Always feeling that you have been wronged. It happens to me all the time. Lack of love. Don’t feel cheated, victimized, victimized. The lack or absence of love. Chronic bitterness. Don’t get angry. Treatment: ” I create my experiences. As I love and approve of myself and others, I create more and more positive experiences in my life.””

Gallstones: Hard thoughts. Don’t curse. Pride. Treatment: ” I choose to put the past behind me.”

Sara : A sense of persecution. Do not refuse life. A sense of making a big fight. Bullying against yourself. The cure“ “I choose to see life as endless and joyful. I am eternal, I am joyful and I am at peace.”

Jaundice: Internal and external prejudice. Unbalanced logic. Treatment: “I feel love, understanding and compassion for myself and everyone.”

Psoriasis : Don’t be afraid of getting hurt. Don’t numb your own feelings. Do not refuse to accept responsibility for your feelings.) Treatment: “I am eager for the joys of life. I deserve and accept what is best for me in life. I love and approve of myself.”

It was amazing to hear why cellulite is caused. Being stuck in childhood memories. Not being able to forget the past evils. Having difficulty moving forward. The fear of making your own way. Accumulated anger and self-punishment. The cure: ” I forgive everyone. I forgive myself. I forgive all my past sufferings. I’m free.”

Back problems – top: Lack of emotional support. Feeling unloved. Not showing love. medium: Guilt. To be crushed under the burden that rides on the back. . bottom: Fear of lack of money. Lack of economic support. Treatment: ” Get off my back. I love and approve of myself. Life supports and loves me. I’m letting go of my past. I choose to move forward in life with the love in my heart.

Nervous breakdown: Self-centeredness. Blocking the communication routes. Treatment: “By opening my heart, I communicate openly and lovingly.”

Sinusitis – inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the inner face of the bone cavities in the face : irritability to a close person. The presence of an annoying relative. The cure: ” I declare that peace and harmony have always covered me and surrounded me. Everything is fine.”

Sciatica – pain that spreads along the posterior part of the upper leg, the outer side of the hind leg and the sciatic nerve : Don’t be a hypocrite. Don’t worry about money and the future. Treatment: “I am moving towards what is better for me.there are good things for me everywhere. I’m in safety.i’m being protected.”

Diabetes mellitus – diabetes : longing caused by the thought ’I wish it were so”. Do not feel a great need to manage. Deep grief. the feeling of ’there is no sweetness, no sweetness left”. The cure: ” This moment is filled with joy. Now I choose to feel the sweetness, the sweetness of this day.”

Obesity: The desire for protection. Hypersensitivity. It often represents fear and indicates that the person needs protection. Fear can also be a veil that hides a hidden anger and resistance to forgiveness. The cure: “I am protected by Divine Love. I’m always in good hands. I am ready to grow up and take responsibility for my life. I forgive others and now I create my life the way I want. I’m in safety. I am protected by sacred love and trust.”

Fat -hips : Stubborn accumulations of anger towards parents. tummy : Don’t feel angry because you’re not being cared for and fed enough. The cure: “I am ready to forgive the past. It’s a good and safe thing for me to go beyond my parents’ limitations. I feed myself with spiritual food; I am satisfied and free.”

Blood pressure -high : An unresolved emotional problem that has been going on for a long time. miscarriage : Not having seen enough love as a child. What is the point of being defeated ‘? It’s not going to work anyway’ approach. The cure: “I leave the past behind with joy. I am at peace. Now I choose to live always-the joyful one, and now. My life is a source of joy.”

Eating quotes: Desperation and frustration. Eating yourself. Feeling angry at parents. Treatment: “I choose to grow up. Now I manage my own life with ease and pleasure.”

Tics, twitches : Fear. The feeling of being observed by others. The cure: “All life likes and approves of me. Everything is fine. I’m in safety.”

Insomnia : Fear. Not trusting the life process. The feeling of guilt. The cure, “I leave the day behind with love and fall into a peaceful sleep, knowing that tomorrow will take care of itself.”

Feeling cold and shivering : mental withdrawal, shrinkage. The desire to retreat, to step aside. the feeling of ’ leave me alone”. Treatment: “I am in safe hands and in safety at any moment. Love surrounds and protects me. Everything is fine.”

Varis: To hate the situation you are in. Losing courage. Do not feel that you are carrying an excessive load. Being in a job or a place you hate. The breaking of your enthusiasm. Do not feel that you are working more than your strength and carrying more burdens than you can bear. Treatment: “I love life and move freely. I am really standing up and living and moving with joy. I love life and I walk freely.”

Ovaries: the point of creativity. Affirmation sentence: “I balance my creativity.”

Pneumonia: Hopeless. Tiredness of life. Emotional wounds are not allowed to heal. Treatment: “I accept new thoughts. This moment is a new moment.”

Shingles: Fear and tension. Hypersensitivity. Treatment: “I am calm and peaceful. Because I trust the flow of life.”



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President of Organ Transplant Center at MedicalPark Hospital Antalya

Turkey's world-renowned organ transplant specialist. Dr. Demirbaş has 104 international publications and 102 national publications.

Physician's Resume:

Born on August 7, 1963 in Çorum, Prof. Dr. Alper Demirbaş has been continuing his work as the President of MedicalPark Antalya Hospital Organ Transplantation Center since 2008.

Prof. who performed the first tissue incompatible kidney transplant in Turkey, the first blood type incompatible kidney transplant, the first kidney-pancreas transplant program and the first cadaveric donor and live donor liver transplant in Antalya. Dr. As of August 2016, Alper Demirbaş has performed 4900 kidney transplants, 500 liver transplants and 95 pancreas transplants.

In addition to being the chairman of 6 national congresses, he has also been an invited speaker at 12 international and 65 national scientific congresses. Dr. Alper Demirbaş was married and the father of 1 girl and 1 boy.


Eczacibasi Medical Award of 2002, Akdeniz University Service Award of 2005, Izder Medical Man of the Year Award of 2006, BÖHAK Medical Man of the Year Award of 2007, Sabah Mediterranean Newspaper Scientist of the Year Award of 2007, ANTIKAD Scientist of the Year Award of 2009, Social Ethics Association Award of 2010, Işık University Medical Man of the Year Award of 2015, VTV Antalya's Brand Value Award of 2015.


Doctor of Medicine Degree Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Ankara, General Surgeon Ministry of Health Turkey EKFMG (0-477-343-8), University of Miami School of Medicine Member of Multiple Organ Transplant, ASTS Multiorgan Transplant Scholarship. Lecturer at Kyoto University. Lecturer at University of Essen, Research assistant at the University of Cambridge .

Professional Members:

American Society of Transplant Surgeons, American Transplantation Society Nominated, Middle East and Southern Africa Council Transplantation Society 2007, International Liver Transplantation Association, Turkish Transplantation Association, Turkish Society of Surgery, Turkish Hepatobiliary Surgery Association.


Our website contents consist of articles approved by our Web and Medical Editorial Board with the contributions of our physicians. Our contents are prepared only for informational purposes for public benefit. Be sure to consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Medically Reviewed by Professor Doctor Alper Demirbaş
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