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Today, neck pain is a fact that strikes so many people that most people have even accepted it as natural to live with this pain for the rest of their lives, because they have never had to question their limited mobility. He even thought everyone was like that, he even thought that was natural. This is like the situation of people who learn about eye disorder by not noticing it because their eyes are gradually deteriorating, but one day being surprised by the clarity of the world they see when they put on their friend’s glasses while joking.

However, neck pain and limited movement are not natural at all. And there is a lot that can be done.

First of all, we need to know the issues that we have damaged our neck so that we can take the first step in correcting it. All of the posture disorders affect the neck once in the first place. Usually people walk or stop with their neck stretched forward. Although this is a bad habit, the back and abdominal muscles are so weak that for most of them, there is no spine that will normally rest on the neck. With habits of life in which laziness becomes a habit in the shadow of civilized life, the spine is in a weak and inflexible state. With the weakness of the muscles and ligaments supporting the spine and posture, posture changes form with a course that gradually shortens the body under the influence of gravity.

In our body, which is shaped according to the natural S-shape of the spine, the body constantly tries to balance itself so that the center of gravity can stay where it should be. The abdominal muscle is weak, the lumbar lordosis, that is, the pit crease in the waist also increases, the neck begins to extend further forward to balance this. In this case, the back hump begins to rise. Now only the struggle with pain has begun in a cycle in which a posture disorder that triggers each other continues. You will heal one of the pain, the other will begin. Because the malfunction that occurred in the basic S-form was only able to balance the balance of one place that was improved with a change that would cause other pain.

In this case, the only basic thing to say is that we need to get chiropractic support, which will allow you to get a body that the body can heal by providing symmetry, seeing to the extreme through the brain’s eye and nervous system, and maintaining this balance with a strong spine through pilates.

What is this Chiropractic ? I will tell you about this in my next posts.

Let’s talk first about what we’ve done to these poor necks.

1- Without exercises that strengthen the natural S-form of the spine and in a process that begins with incorrect posture habits, our behavioral mistakes that bring pain into our lives with even more serious consequences can sometimes even take a healthy spine out of the mind.

2- The wrong shoes also trigger neck pain in this process. Especially if we are doing a standing business.

In the wrong shoe, the first issue starts with the heel height, if the heel height is at least 2, 5 and at most 5 cm, it supports this healthy posture, but when it goes out, it is now a risk factor. Especially in a weak spinal structure.

The problem of shoes and nail stinging that are not relative to the foot can cause a problem that goes all the way up to the neck in the vertebrae like a domino stone, preventing stepping on 2 feet with equal balance. Compression limitations are of great importance for spinal health.

3- Office and home furniture without ergonomics. This is related to the awareness that furniture and items prepared with certain values, which are considered a standard human measure, become a source of pain for people who are above standard or conform to standards, but whose lifestyle habits and posture change. By being conscious, it is very important to ensure that the items used do not harm our body and posture, but rather relax and become supportive.

4- Watching TV while lying down, following the TV or computer screen from a crooked posture angle. When we look around us, we can observe that the location of the computer screen and keyboard on the desk of the vast majority of us, or the position of watching TV, is not reciprocal with the person’s body.

5- Using the wrong bed and pillow. In our life, we do everything from clothing, to vacation, to what we eat, drink, entertainment style, etc. we are updating until… When we have pain and illness, we also look for hope in various kinds of treatment. Since we don’t think about updating our bed and pillow, where we spend an average of 8 hours a day, the day when our pains will start again when they pass somehow is close.

6- Ignoring how to use auxiliary materials that will support the spine while lying down. For example, using a high pillow while lying face down is a bad habit.

7- Reading a book for a long time while holding a folded book upside down in bed tightly in one hand, that position of the hand and the fact that it is squeezed will create a pain that goes up to the neck

8- Hand activity such as knitting and the intensity of actions that make wrist rotation continuous.

9- Long-term efforts that stay constantly looking forward.

10- Postures in which the arm is held towards the ear to talk on the phone for a long time, and situations in which the phone is squeezed to the shoulder.. Especially if there are stressful topics to talk about at work.. know that your neck pain will come to your visit.

11- Sudden and hard movements, hard opening of the neck back and forth, sideways and diagonally, blows and pressures.

12- Standing for a long time with wet hair and nape, especially if the hair is long, neck back pain that has become entrenched in the middle of the back will become more noticeable.

13- Carrying glasses on the top of the head or wearing a tight crown of hair … If these materials squeeze the back of the ear and grip the head tightly, you will not be a stranger to neck pain that extends to the middle of the back.

14- Staying in cold environments for a long time and contracting the shoulders.

15- To have a profession in which you will constantly stay on the defensive… as long as the shoulders are always contracted up, which is a form of defense, the “what can I do, this is all I can do” position… In bankers, sellers, etc.

16- Working environments where elbow and arm angles do not support ergonomic posture.

17- Traffic accident and cases where a blow has been received or where the neck makes a whip movement.

18- Not working the neck muscles and also using a neck brace for every pain often and leaving those muscles very weak. Not working the neck muscles and on top of that, using a neck brace often for every pain and leaving those muscles very weak.

19- Doing asymmetrical sports, especially tennis, basketball, volleyball, etc. Shouldn’t these sports be done? Of course not, it’s not quitting sports, it’s definitely doing support exercises in such a way that the symmetry of your body is captured, that’s the issue I’m trying to emphasize here. Every time there are service shots and hardening strokes in these sports, it can be a cause of injury to the neck, shoulder and back and lower back. Swimming and pilates should be chosen and used according to the type of sport, especially in terms of support.

20- Bags, etc. carrying on one side.

21- Lifting unbalanced weights and items.

Do you have anything to write to me about this too.. Let’s talk a little about your neck and shoulder pain.

Soon I will prepare booklets about movements against pain, or so that there are no pains, or how and what movements do not cause pain when paying attention. I am trying to get these booklets to you through the press. I hope I will succeed. Of course, I will definitely make sure that the visuals are there.

I wish everyone pain-free and healthy days.

Turkey Medicals Co-ordinator, MD



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President of Organ Transplant Center at MedicalPark Hospital Antalya

Turkey's world-renowned organ transplant specialist. Dr. Demirbaş has 104 international publications and 102 national publications.

Physician's Resume:

Born on August 7, 1963 in Çorum, Prof. Dr. Alper Demirbaş has been continuing his work as the President of MedicalPark Antalya Hospital Organ Transplantation Center since 2008.

Prof. who performed the first tissue incompatible kidney transplant in Turkey, the first blood type incompatible kidney transplant, the first kidney-pancreas transplant program and the first cadaveric donor and live donor liver transplant in Antalya. Dr. As of August 2016, Alper Demirbaş has performed 4900 kidney transplants, 500 liver transplants and 95 pancreas transplants.

In addition to being the chairman of 6 national congresses, he has also been an invited speaker at 12 international and 65 national scientific congresses. Dr. Alper Demirbaş was married and the father of 1 girl and 1 boy.


Eczacibasi Medical Award of 2002, Akdeniz University Service Award of 2005, Izder Medical Man of the Year Award of 2006, BÖHAK Medical Man of the Year Award of 2007, Sabah Mediterranean Newspaper Scientist of the Year Award of 2007, ANTIKAD Scientist of the Year Award of 2009, Social Ethics Association Award of 2010, Işık University Medical Man of the Year Award of 2015, VTV Antalya's Brand Value Award of 2015.


Doctor of Medicine Degree Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Ankara, General Surgeon Ministry of Health Turkey EKFMG (0-477-343-8), University of Miami School of Medicine Member of Multiple Organ Transplant, ASTS Multiorgan Transplant Scholarship. Lecturer at Kyoto University. Lecturer at University of Essen, Research assistant at the University of Cambridge .

Professional Members:

American Society of Transplant Surgeons, American Transplantation Society Nominated, Middle East and Southern Africa Council Transplantation Society 2007, International Liver Transplantation Association, Turkish Transplantation Association, Turkish Society of Surgery, Turkish Hepatobiliary Surgery Association.


Our website contents consist of articles approved by our Web and Medical Editorial Board with the contributions of our physicians. Our contents are prepared only for informational purposes for public benefit. Be sure to consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Medically Reviewed by Professor Doctor Alper Demirbaş
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