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While the idea of an aesthetic operation is developing step by step from a dream to a reality, what important stages await the patient at the decision-making stage?

How will it be possible to make the right decision? In our news, Turkey Medicals member and Memorial hospital ENT and Facial Surgery Specialist, Operator Doctor in Istanbul, has clarified many issues that confuse people during the decision-making stage and the right and wrong ones.


An aesthetic operation in Turkey is performed to help make you have better within the framework of the features that you have available. But no aesthetic operation promises perfection. We can list examples such as a better-looking nose, a younger face, a more lively eye contour. Each patient must compare the result of the operation with his own before. Comparing the result of another person with the patient himself with the fact that each operation performed is different does not give a healthy assessment.

At the stage of deciding on surgery, they ask, ‘How much do you look like the person you are imagining?’ It’s worth asking yourself the question. Thus, you can compare the expected change not at a single point, but in the harmony of all the organs on the face with each other.

Clearly sharing your expectations about the operation with your doctor and evaluating the surgical feasibility of these requests are very important details for the patient at the decision-making stage.


Unrealistic expectations that are not based on logic do not satisfy the patient no matter what the result is. Remember that neither your doctor’s ability, nor your imagination, but only and only your ‘anatomical’ infrastructure determines the result you will achieve. Therefore, you should know that the limit of your aesthetic demand and your capacity to change is actually you. It is a fabric with a human inside and out, and a good dress comes out of a good fabric. It is necessary not to expect the same dress from each fabric.

If a person plans to live a much happier life after an aesthetic operation, you should know that no aesthetic operation promises happiness to a person. Being happy is not about what a person has, but about the way they handle life. Just as there are still people who are grateful with great happiness when they are in really big difficulties today, we should know that there are still people who are unhappy in themselves when they have countless advantages.


Your expectations, what you don’t want to happen, your concerns and your psychological readiness for the operation are evaluated by your doctor. During this evaluation process, the flow of information between the patient and the physician is very important. Decontamination is very important. Providing this information flow from anonymous articles on the internet causes it to be filled with erroneous information that will affect the correct decision-making of patients and perhaps set the stage for them to make choices that they may regret later. Therefore, do not believe that there are no articles on the Internet where the author’s name is not clear, for example, forum sites are the places where the most inaccurate information and hidden commercial redirects are located.

Nowadays, when the speed of access to information is getting shorter every second, the internet is actually like a live bomb under our hands. Make sure that the articles you read on the Internet are necessarily signed, published on a reliable source. In order not to drown in information pollution, a half-hour face-to-face examination with a specialist doctor whom you will trust instead of spending hours or days here and doing research will be much more efficient. Remember, time is the most precious treasure.

Because while there is general information written for everyone on the internet, you can get information only for you, especially for your case, in one-on-one examinations.

It may not always be possible to reach your doctor during the process. For this reason, you should definitely find out who you will be in contact with for your organization, care, medical conditions or control appointments at the decision stage and create your information flow network. You should make sure that your doctor has a good team to support you.


Although it is not made clear, many patients at the decision-making stage expect their doctor to convince them to have surgery during the examination. Aesthetic operations are not mandatory operations. A person can continue his life with an aesthetic image disorder that he has. For this reason, I do not find it ethical to recommend an aesthetic surgery to any of my patients.

I find it medically more ethical and morally correct to convey the right and wrong things to the patient, to provide information about the risks of surgery, and to convey the limits of the possibility of surgical change to him, rather than influencing the patient in the decision-making process.

At the stage of deciding on aesthetic operations, you should definitely find out the references, trainings, experiences of your doctor and the surgical methods he has used, and walk down this path with a doctor with whom you are in good communication.

I also think that it is the most innocent and justified request that you ask the doctor you are going to have plastic surgery to show you the results of the surgery he has done before. ’The rite of man is work, the word is not taken care of” is a proverb that was said precisely for this purpose.


Have you decided to take the path together with a doctor you trust in the process of an aesthetic operation? But do you know that there is always a possibility that something will go wrong?

I realize that this title seems scary to you at first. However, there should be such a safe relationship between the physician and the patient when decoupling during the aesthetic operation process that the patient should be ready for this path, knowing the possibility that there may be problems. Because even if these problems are never mentioned to you, remember that these facts happen to someone somewhere in the world. It is a professional ethics to inform you about all the complications and misfortunes, even if the probability of their occurrence is very low.

With the advanced surgical techniques we use today, we are now performing operations at a very advanced level and collecting praise of the whole world as Turkish Physicians. Although our success is high, patients should not forget that there is always a low risk, but should always focus on the positive.


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President of Organ Transplant Center at MedicalPark Hospital Antalya

Turkey's world-renowned organ transplant specialist. Dr. Demirbaş has 104 international publications and 102 national publications.

Physician's Resume:

Born on August 7, 1963 in Çorum, Prof. Dr. Alper Demirbaş has been continuing his work as the President of MedicalPark Antalya Hospital Organ Transplantation Center since 2008.

Prof. who performed the first tissue incompatible kidney transplant in Turkey, the first blood type incompatible kidney transplant, the first kidney-pancreas transplant program and the first cadaveric donor and live donor liver transplant in Antalya. Dr. As of August 2016, Alper Demirbaş has performed 4900 kidney transplants, 500 liver transplants and 95 pancreas transplants.

In addition to being the chairman of 6 national congresses, he has also been an invited speaker at 12 international and 65 national scientific congresses. Dr. Alper Demirbaş was married and the father of 1 girl and 1 boy.


Eczacibasi Medical Award of 2002, Akdeniz University Service Award of 2005, Izder Medical Man of the Year Award of 2006, BÖHAK Medical Man of the Year Award of 2007, Sabah Mediterranean Newspaper Scientist of the Year Award of 2007, ANTIKAD Scientist of the Year Award of 2009, Social Ethics Association Award of 2010, Işık University Medical Man of the Year Award of 2015, VTV Antalya's Brand Value Award of 2015.


Doctor of Medicine Degree Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Ankara, General Surgeon Ministry of Health Turkey EKFMG (0-477-343-8), University of Miami School of Medicine Member of Multiple Organ Transplant, ASTS Multiorgan Transplant Scholarship. Lecturer at Kyoto University. Lecturer at University of Essen, Research assistant at the University of Cambridge .

Professional Members:

American Society of Transplant Surgeons, American Transplantation Society Nominated, Middle East and Southern Africa Council Transplantation Society 2007, International Liver Transplantation Association, Turkish Transplantation Association, Turkish Society of Surgery, Turkish Hepatobiliary Surgery Association.


Our website contents consist of articles approved by our Web and Medical Editorial Board with the contributions of our physicians. Our contents are prepared only for informational purposes for public benefit. Be sure to consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Medically Reviewed by Professor Doctor Alper Demirbaş
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