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As we move from the scorching heat of summer to the cool and rainy weather of autumn, there is an increase in upper respiratory infections as schools open and spend time in closed environments. Recently, there have been many applications to clinics due to upper respiratory tract infections such as colds, flu and pharyngitis. This condition, which is especially common among children, can also be transmitted to adults who are in close contact

Turkey Medicals member and ENT specialist Assoc.Doctor gave information about simple but effective measures to be taken in Turkey school-term children during the pandemic process.


Children who were isolated for a long time due to the pandemic began to see common upper respiratory tract diseases in winter from the middle of summer due to their close contact with their environment and intensive use of air conditioning along with normalization in summer.

The main symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections, runny nose, nasal congestion, fever, cough, sneezing, headache, postnasal drip, sore throat pain, eyes watering, Nov aches, weakness, loss of appetite, Covid-19 because of the similarity to symptoms, parents are in a panic.

Upper respiratory infections such as flu and pharyngitis can cause fever attacks in children that last for several days. With the opening of schools, the frequency of these diseases is expected to increase. But with simple measures to be taken, these infections can be protected and outbreaks can be prevented.


1. Air the environment regularly

In this group of diseases caused by viruses, transmission occurs with close contact. Particles dispersed in the environment by sneezing and coughing hang in the air for a long time and are easily transmitted to other individuals passing through it. Especially in closed environments with insufficient ventilation and schools where close contact is most common, this is the main reason why infections are more common in winter. A person who has an upper respiratory tract infection in crowded places such as public vehicles, schools, shopping malls can easily spread the viruses to the environment and infect other healthy individuals. For this reason, the spread of upper respiratory tract infections can be prevented by simple measures such as paying attention to good ventilation, taking care of cleanliness, especially in such places.

2. Getting into the habit of washing hands

Washing or cleaning hands with disinfectant significantly reduces transmission in both Covid-19 and upper respiratory tract infections. Children’s parents and teachers should make a habit of washing their hands regularly, telling them that they should not rub their hands, especially in the mouth and eyes.

3. Pens, cups, etc not to use common kitchen utensils

Surfaces such as door-window handles, phones and work tables that are frequently contacted should be regularly disinfected, and hands should be washed after contact. It is very important not to use items such as pens, cups, towels in common. School supplies such as pens and erasers are also effective in preventing the transmission of infections.

4. Use a mask

Assoc. Dr. “it is very important to wear a mask to protect against Covid-19 infection, not to kiss anyone else, not to use the same items such as forks, spoons with anyone. Masks that must be worn during class should also be worn during recess,” he says.

5. Not sending a sick child to school

It is absolutely essential that parents do not send their children with symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection to school, ensure that they rest at home and, if necessary, take them to a doctor in order that the infection does not spread and infect others. The main symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections or your child’s runny nose, nasal congestion, fever, cough, sneezing, headache, postnasal drip, sore throat pain, eyes watering, Nov aches, weakness, loss of appetite, such as Covid-19 should ask the physician if you are experiencing symptoms similar to complaints without panicking. If your doctor deems it necessary, get tested for Covid-19.

6. Ensure a balanced and regular diet

In order for the immune system to not weaken, it is necessary to take care of a regular and balanced diet. Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits, avoiding one-way nutrition, is very important for body resistance.

7. Maintaining sleep patterns

Scientific studies show that adequate and quality sleep is of great importance in strengthening the immune system. Children should go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time, the room in which they sleep should be favorable in terms of sleep quality, the night light in their room should not be lit, they should stay away from the mobile phone before sleep.

8. Not disrupting vaccinations

Assoc. Dr. “It is very important for the majority of society to be vaccinated and immune, especially for the mild survival of Covid-19 infection and to prevent hospital admissions, ” said. It is also recommended that people with chronic conditions and immune system-related disorders be vaccinated for the flu virus. In our country, the age of vaccination has fallen to 12, but some families are ambivalent about vaccinating their children. However, while existing vaccines provide a high level of protection against the virus, there are no serious side effects,” he says.


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President of Organ Transplant Center at MedicalPark Hospital Antalya

Turkey's world-renowned organ transplant specialist. Dr. Demirbaş has 104 international publications and 102 national publications.

Physician's Resume:

Born on August 7, 1963 in Çorum, Prof. Dr. Alper Demirbaş has been continuing his work as the President of MedicalPark Antalya Hospital Organ Transplantation Center since 2008.

Prof. who performed the first tissue incompatible kidney transplant in Turkey, the first blood type incompatible kidney transplant, the first kidney-pancreas transplant program and the first cadaveric donor and live donor liver transplant in Antalya. Dr. As of August 2016, Alper Demirbaş has performed 4900 kidney transplants, 500 liver transplants and 95 pancreas transplants.

In addition to being the chairman of 6 national congresses, he has also been an invited speaker at 12 international and 65 national scientific congresses. Dr. Alper Demirbaş was married and the father of 1 girl and 1 boy.


Eczacibasi Medical Award of 2002, Akdeniz University Service Award of 2005, Izder Medical Man of the Year Award of 2006, BÖHAK Medical Man of the Year Award of 2007, Sabah Mediterranean Newspaper Scientist of the Year Award of 2007, ANTIKAD Scientist of the Year Award of 2009, Social Ethics Association Award of 2010, Işık University Medical Man of the Year Award of 2015, VTV Antalya's Brand Value Award of 2015.


Doctor of Medicine Degree Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Ankara, General Surgeon Ministry of Health Turkey EKFMG (0-477-343-8), University of Miami School of Medicine Member of Multiple Organ Transplant, ASTS Multiorgan Transplant Scholarship. Lecturer at Kyoto University. Lecturer at University of Essen, Research assistant at the University of Cambridge .

Professional Members:

American Society of Transplant Surgeons, American Transplantation Society Nominated, Middle East and Southern Africa Council Transplantation Society 2007, International Liver Transplantation Association, Turkish Transplantation Association, Turkish Society of Surgery, Turkish Hepatobiliary Surgery Association.


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Medically Reviewed by Professor Doctor Alper Demirbaş
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