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Turkey Medicals – coughing is the body’s response, whether it is voluntary or involuntary, to clear the throat and respiratory tract. It is a health problem caused by allergic reactions to corona or seasonal transitions, due to colds in the winter. Sometimes a cough that manifests itself as a sore throat can be a dry cough and a phlegm cough.

There are natural and herbal methods that can be done at home to relieve cough, which are often found in children, infants, and adult individuals. It can be passed by being treated at home.

What is good for coughing, how does it pass? What stops coughing the fastest, what methods do they eliminate? You can check out our content for natural methods of dry and phlegm cough relief at home.

Cough is one of the health problems that happens to almost everyone during the winter months, season transitions, or during the corona period. It is a reaction mechanism of the body in order to clean the substance in the throat and respiratory tract.

There are some natural methods that can be done at home to relieve cough. Herbal teas, some vegetables and fruits are good for coughing. Cough can be an allergic reaction, as well as a harbinger of a health problem. Those who complain of a cough that does not pass continuously should contact the nearest medical institution.

What Is Good for Coughing?

– To stop coughing, plenty of hot drinks should be consumed.

– In a cough that occurs due to nasal discharge, abundant fluid consumption reduces the intensity of the discharge, minimizing its irritant property.

– Abundant fluid intake prevents dryness that may develop on the mucous membranes in winter.

– Lozenges help reduce cough

– Drinking warm herbal teas also soothes the throat.

– Take outdoor walks. Be sure to do relaxing exercises during the day.

– Honey covers the throat area, reducing irritation and helping to calm the cough.

– You can use mint candy to open your breath after meals.

– Some cures should also be done to relieve sore throats. In particular, a mixture of tahini and molasses can also prevent coughs.

– Attention should be paid to the hours of sleep.

– Squeeze a lemon on a teaspoon of honey and eat it before breakfast and before going to bed.

– A warm shower contributes to the reduction of cough.

– It can be helped by putting a wet towel on the heater or humidifying the room air with a steam machine.

– Avoiding the use of indoor air pollutants such as perfumes and scented bath sprays can help control cough.

– Foods high in lemon and vitamin C should be eaten to stop coughing.

– Reduce the consumption of cigarettes and do not stop at smoking places.

– To prevent the occurrence of cough, pay attention to a balanced diet.

– The formation of dampness and moisture in the house provokes a cough. Therefore, ventilate the house every two hours.

– Ventilate dusty and dirty environments frequently. If you do not have ventilation, use a mask and go out for air every half hour.

What Is Cough At Home?

There are some foods that are good for coughing. You can stop coughing with homemade natural and herbal methods.

Apple Tea

Put the apple peel, linden and 2 cups of water in a bowl and bring it to a boil. Then squeeze one cinnamon stick and half a lemon into the mixture. Drink the mixture before it cools down.


Bring a glass of milk to a boil. Sprinkle a teaspoon of black pepper on the boiling milk and consume it without waiting. To sweeten the mixture, you can use honey.

Ginger Tea

Mix powdered ginger and a teaspoon of honey into a paste. Eat the paste you have prepared after meals.

Rosehip Tea

Boil the rosehip and a glass of broth. Add powdered ginger to it and consume it hot.

Quince Tea

Combine the quince seeds and peel with the apple peel and boil in water. after brewing for 10 minutes, add a spoonful of honey and drink.

Linden Tea

Linden, one of the most preferred herbal teas in winter, is a pain and inflammation reliever. Care should be taken to drink 2 cups of linden tea a day without sugar. Sugar reacts with the components in tea, reducing their beneficial side effects.


Sage both softens the throat and reduces its pain. Sage, consumed as herbal tea, can also be used as a mouthwash.

Mint Tea

It will reduce the effects of colds when you consume mint tea, which is often preferred for colds, by mixing it with a slice of lemon and 1 teaspoon of honey.

Echinacea Tea

put 4 teaspoons of echinacea and 1 liter of boiling water in a full container. After boiling the echinacea for about 5 minutes, you can consume it by filtering it.

Thyme Tea with Honey

Two coffee spoons of finely chopped fresh thyme are poured with a glass of boiling water, then infused for 5 minutes with a lid closed and filtered. It is drunk flavored with honey. With this recipe, your immunity is strengthened, while your breathing also relaxes.

Lemon, Pepper, Salt

Cut a lemon into quarters. Sprinkle black pepper and salt on top of one of the pieces you have cut. Eat lemon to accelerate recovery.

Warm Milk with Honey

In order for honey to mix well when preparing honey milk, boiling milk is usually preferred. But the enzymes and vitamins that we call the substances that make honey honey are not resistant to such high temperatures. Boiling milk kills the essence of honey. When this happens, what is left of honey becomes a sweetener no different from tea sugar. For this reason, we should not heat the milk until it reaches boiling temperature. As soon as it gets warm, we should turn off the January, put the milk in the cup first and add 1-2 tablespoons of honey to it.

Orange Juice with Almonds

Shred the almonds with the help of rondo. mix a cup of orange juice with 2-3 teaspoons of shredded almonds. You should definitely consume it every morning and every evening before going to bed.

Cinnamon Tea with Ginger

3 rings of fresh ginger, 8 sticks of cinnamon, 8 cloves, 1 lemon, 1.5 liters of water, 1 spoonful of honey. Boil the other ingredients, except honey, by throwing them into the water. Then you can consume it by adding honey to this mixture. This tea has a healing property that relieves cough.

The Fastest Cough Suppressant Methods

A spoonful of honey and a spoonful of ginger will be enough for this. A good treatment method would be to consume ginger with honey, which is a one-to-one remedy for cough.

You can also pass a cough by mixing black pepper and honey. If you have a persistent cough, mix a teaspoon of black pepper and honey in a glass of milk.

What Stops a Dry Cough at Home?

A hot shower is good for coughing caused by allergies and asthma. Also, make a steam bath by putting a little mint-flavored vaseline in the boiling water. It is said that it stops coughing by opening the bronchi.

cut 1 onion into 4, add 1 cup of water and boil. after boiling for 5 minutes, turn off the bottom and let it cool down a little. When it gets warm enough to drink, strain the water and put it in a glass. Put 1 teaspoon of honey in it, mix and drink. After half an hour, get rid of the cough.

Cut the inside of the radish a little and pierce the bottom. Then place the radish in the glass and add honey to it. Soak the radish in this way until the next day and consume the honey that has been dripped into the cup.

Add a clove of garlic and 2 cinnamon sticks to a glass of boiling water. drink it after 5 minutes of brewing. It is known that he instantly stops coughing.

How Does a Phlegm Cough Pass?

A teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper is mixed in a cup with 2 tablespoons of honey. Hot water is poured over it, boiled and left for a while, and after brewing it covered with a lid for about 15 minutes, it is filtered and drunk. It is an ideal mixture for coughing up phlegm.

What Causes a Cough in Children and Infants?

If your child’s cough is caused by a viral cold, you can apply the following solutions.

Give Plenty Of Water To Drink

The best remedy for coughing is abundant fluid intake. Keeping the throat moist reduces coughing attacks to a certain extent. A child who is coughing may need to be reminded frequently to have a bottle of water and drink water, especially in his own, easy-to-reach place. And don’t forget to put a water bottle by your bedside at night.

Make Herbal Tea with Honey or Honey

Honey is a folk recipe that has been known since time immemorial that it reduces cough. If your child can swallow directly and is older than 1 year,give him 1 teaspoon of honey. Some also add ginger in the form of powder to honey and give this mixture in the form of paste. If it is difficult to swallow honey directly, give it to warm water or herbal tea by mixing 2 spoons of honey. A few drops of lemon juice can also be added to this tea. giving honey to children under 1 year is not appropriate due to the risk of fatal allergies.

Upgrade The Cushions

Coughs usually increase at night when you lie down on the bed for a sleeping position. This is because the mucus that causes coughing flows easily behind the nose on flat ground. If your child coughs a lot at night, use a high pillow or two to help reduce coughing with a very simple method, such as having his head above the body.

Humidify the Environment

Moisten the air in the room using a humidifying device that emits cold steam, or by placing a bowl of water on the heater and letting it evaporate. It may also be useful to take a warm shower, boil water in a saucepan and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to it, cover the child’s head with a towel and let him breathe in the hot steam for about 5 minutes. In general, the temperature of the room should not be too hot in cases of coughing. Hot can overwhelm the child, leading to an increased cough. As long as we dress the child appropriately, it may be useful to open the window especially at night to ensure that cool and fresh air comes in. Jul, as long as we dress the child appropriately.

Open Nasal Blockages

One of the causes of coughing is that the mucus that accumulates in the nose flows backwards out of the larynx, making the child cough. By washing your child’s nose with sea water or saline that you can prepare at home, you can clean the mucus, keep the nasal passages moist, and let the child breathe freely. For babies, nasal aspirators can be used that help to suck out the mucus from the nose and pull it out.

Attention to Allergens in the Bedroom

Allergy can also be a cause of coughing. In this case, wash the bedding and pillowcases that are likely to cause allergies often and with detergents that do not contain any perfume. You can use vinegar as an emollient. Because commercial emollients can also cause allergy attacks with their intense odor. If necessary, get it from a special pillow/duvet set filled with filler that has anti-allergic properties. Get the furry animals out of bed. Make sure that the carpet in the room has an allergy-free property, or, if necessary, completely remove the carpet.

Ample Rest

Again, a very simple suggestion that escapes the eyes when it comes to coughing is rest. Our body recovers faster when it is at rest. A good example of this is a night’s sleep. But daytime rest should also not be forgotten. When your child coughs a lot, he should run, exercise physical exertion, stay away from activities and read books, do art activities such as painting at the desk, paint a coloring book, play lego, puzzle activities that keep him busy, entertain him, but do not tire him physically.

Use Herbal Lozenges

Use natural, herbal lozenges formulated for children in case of coughing. These lozenges can soften the throat and eliminate the feeling of dryness that occurs. However, lozenges should not be given before the age of 6 due to the risk of swallowing and getting into the throat. It is also worth keeping track of how many lozenges are eaten during the day, so as not to overdo it.

Gargle With Salt Water

Salt reduces the mucus that accumulates in the back of the throat and thus the feeling of coughing that occurs. Put half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and stir until it dissolves well. After waiting for the water to cool completely, tell your child to gargle with this water and spit it out. This procedure can be repeated several times a day. But your child should be large enough to be able to gargle properly and not swallow salty water.

Rub Vicks On The Feet

Although it has not been scientifically proven, it is known that putting socks on and lying down by rubbing Vicks on the sole of the foot before a night’s sleep is good for some coughs. at the age of 2-5 years, Vicks are rubbed only into the front and back. The camphor contained in Vicks is a substance that can have a toxic effect if taken too much. Therefore, it should not be rubbed into the mouth or nose. It can cause sudden collapse of the lungs. Vicks should also not be used in bronchial asthma. Also, Vicks should definitely not be used to children under 2 years of age.

What Is Good for Allergic Cough?

– It is recommended that they consume plenty of fluids.

– Warm water with lemon-honey also has a relaxing effect on the throat.

– It is known that pineapple is good for coughing.

– Drinking mint tea and inhaling its steam can relieve the upper respiratory tract.

What Is Good for a Night Cough?

– It is useful to use high pillows while sleeping to prevent coughs caused by reflux.

– The humidity in the environment should be increased before going to sleep, as dry air irritates the respiratory tract.

– Drinking a mixture of honey and herbal tea before going to bed helps to relax the mucus in the throat.

– To minimize night coughs caused by gastric reflux, food should be eaten at least 2.5 hours before.

– Plenty of fluids should be consumed.

– Consuming warm water with herbal tea or lemon relieves night coughs.

– Throat lozenges before going to sleep reduce night cough.

What Causes a Dry Cough?

– Colds and flu,

– Pharyngitis

– Asthma

– Nasal discharge

– Reflux

– It can be a viral infection caused by colds and flu.

The cause of dry and sputum-free cough that occurs at night can be more often a viral upper respiratory tract infection or an allergy.

What Causes a Phlegm Cough?

– Sinusitis

– Bronchitis

– Use of cigarettes

– Some lung diseases

What Causes a Persistent Cough?

Chronic cough is observed in people who smoke, as well as those who have chronic infections such as COPD, asthma, seasonal allergies, chronic lung diseases such as acid reflux disease, lung cancer and tuberculosis in their medical history.

Prof. Dr. offered a cure for cough. Here are those curious cures.

Curing onions

Cut one onion into 6 equal parts.
Throw it into 1.5 cups of water and bring it to a boil.
After the mixture boils, let it cool down.
You should drink warm water immediately.

Carob cure

Keep 6-7 carobes ready.
Throw carobes into half a liter of water.
Bring to the boil.
Consume it in a warm form.
Apply it regularly for 3 days.

Marshmallow tea

A pinch (4-5 grams) of marshmallow is added to a glass of boiled hot milk and mixed.
After waiting for a couple of minutes, drink a sip by sip.
It can be repeated twice a day.
This application can be done in children who have reached the age of 6.

What are the Causes of Acute and Chronic Cough?

There are acute and chronic causes of cough that cause dry cough. Some of the causes of acute cough are known as spring allergy, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough and common cold. In addition, dry cough is also observed in patients with acute sinusitis. For some people, inhalation of an irritant is also cited as one of the causes of dry cough. Decongestant cough is the most common cause of dry cough. In addition, the causes of chronic cough also differ.

These are known as smoking, runny nose, respiratory allergies, cystic fibrosis and lung cancer. In addition, people with respiratory allergies and asthma also have conditions for the occurrence of dry cough. Dry cough can occur in COPD patients and people with fungal lung infections. Some dryness in the mucous layer lining the respiratory tract can also cause coughing. Tuberculosis disease is also considered one of the causes of dry cough. Decubitus is the most common cause of dry cough. Due to all these reasons, a dry cough may occur.

A dry cough may occur due to environmental irritants and whooping cough disease. Lung cancer, as well as heart failure and lung cancer are also considered to be among the causes of dry cough in people who experience a dry cough should visit a good doctor to determine the problem.

After that, a drug supplement is prescribed. Antibiotic drugs are used for dry coughs of bacterial origin. Also used are throat sprays, lozenges and cough syrups. People with a dry cough should raise their pillows while lying down. Thanks to this, they can sleep comfortably. In addition, the rooms should be constantly ventilated by drinking plenty of water. Some air humidification devices are used to humidify the air.


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President of Organ Transplant Center at MedicalPark Hospital Antalya

Turkey's world-renowned organ transplant specialist. Dr. Demirbaş has 104 international publications and 102 national publications.

Physician's Resume:

Born on August 7, 1963 in Çorum, Prof. Dr. Alper Demirbaş has been continuing his work as the President of MedicalPark Antalya Hospital Organ Transplantation Center since 2008.

Prof. who performed the first tissue incompatible kidney transplant in Turkey, the first blood type incompatible kidney transplant, the first kidney-pancreas transplant program and the first cadaveric donor and live donor liver transplant in Antalya. Dr. As of August 2016, Alper Demirbaş has performed 4900 kidney transplants, 500 liver transplants and 95 pancreas transplants.

In addition to being the chairman of 6 national congresses, he has also been an invited speaker at 12 international and 65 national scientific congresses. Dr. Alper Demirbaş was married and the father of 1 girl and 1 boy.


Eczacibasi Medical Award of 2002, Akdeniz University Service Award of 2005, Izder Medical Man of the Year Award of 2006, BÖHAK Medical Man of the Year Award of 2007, Sabah Mediterranean Newspaper Scientist of the Year Award of 2007, ANTIKAD Scientist of the Year Award of 2009, Social Ethics Association Award of 2010, Işık University Medical Man of the Year Award of 2015, VTV Antalya's Brand Value Award of 2015.


Doctor of Medicine Degree Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Ankara, General Surgeon Ministry of Health Turkey EKFMG (0-477-343-8), University of Miami School of Medicine Member of Multiple Organ Transplant, ASTS Multiorgan Transplant Scholarship. Lecturer at Kyoto University. Lecturer at University of Essen, Research assistant at the University of Cambridge .

Professional Members:

American Society of Transplant Surgeons, American Transplantation Society Nominated, Middle East and Southern Africa Council Transplantation Society 2007, International Liver Transplantation Association, Turkish Transplantation Association, Turkish Society of Surgery, Turkish Hepatobiliary Surgery Association.


Our website contents consist of articles approved by our Web and Medical Editorial Board with the contributions of our physicians. Our contents are prepared only for informational purposes for public benefit. Be sure to consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Medically Reviewed by Professor Doctor Alper Demirbaş
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