Turkey Medicals verified member Hair Implant in Antalya Dr. listed the right known mistakes about hair transplantation.
Hair transplant surgery hospitals in Turkey is one of the methods that those who have hair problems have often resorted to in recent years. With new techniques developed in a method that can be applied to women and men, it is now possible to get completely painless and more natural hair. So, what are the mistakes that we know to be true about hair transplantation? On the subject of Dr. told what to know.
Are hair transplantation operations performed on every hair?
Hair transplantation is not performed on every hair. Hair transplant surgery does not genetically prevent future hair loss. Hair transplant surgery is not a treatment option, especially for conditions such as alopecia areata and scarred alopecia, which we call hair breakers.
Is the planted hair no longer falling out approach correct?
Planted hair does not fall out in a short time, but can be shed over many years ( for example, 10-20 years ) or due to old age. Immunological and physiological changes of hair strands that are genetically prone to loss, especially in some women and men, over the years may not be very clear. As a result of transplantation of these hair follicles, a decrease in hair may be observed in the following years. Because of this, it is very important that the operation is performed in experienced hands.
Hair transplantation operation gives perfect result in one session for everyone is the approach correct?
The approach of getting perfect results in a single session in every patient is not the right approach. Hair transplantation is also a specially planned procedure. Sometimes, adequate graft may not be provided in the implant Area. In such a case, the session may need to be repeated or an operation may be needed again in the following years. Professional team awareness also increases its importance here. Implant hair operations should always be performed in competent hands increase the success rate.
Hair transplant surgery is a completely painless procedure approach is the right approach?
The experience of a Turkey hair implant specialist and the correct dose of anesthesia is directly proportional to the fact that the procedure is painless. In the first ten minutes of surgery with local anesthesia, a slight and temporary burning sensation can be seen depending on the pain threshold of the person and again varying from person to person. However, this is a temporary situation.
Is approach of hair transplantation inconvenient in non-sterile conditions a right approach?
Hair transplantation is certainly very inconvenient to perform the operation under non-sterile conditions. This brings with it the risk of infection along with the danger of many infectious diseases. For this reason, hair transplantation operation should be performed entirely in a streril environment by a team of experts led by a plastic surgeon, dermatologist or medical aesthetic specialist. In our hospital center in Turkey, the right hair implant operations are performed in the operating room environment.