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1- Planning of your surgery…

For the hair transplant in Istanbul surgery is planned according to each patient’s own condition. It is recommended that you have this type of operation by a doctor such as plastic surgeons, who are able to perform all kinds of transplant operations such as flap surgery and tissue expansion, as well as hair Transplant, where all types of surgical techniques are suitable for you.

At your first examination, your plastic surgeon will examine hair growth and loss, investigate your family history of baldness and be informed about whether you have had a hair transplant before. Your plastic surgeon will also ask you questions about your lifestyle and your goals and expectations for being in the operation.

Conditions that are special to you, such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, bleeding problems, the tendency of surgery scars to expand, but which will cause problems after surgery, will again be asked by your plastic surgeon. Do not forget to tell your plastic surgeon whether you smoke or not, especially whether you use medications that increase bleeding, such as aspirin.

2- Preparation for the operation…

During the preparation for the operation, your Plastic Surgeon will give you a special set of recommendations for avoiding food and beverages, smoking, and certain vitamin preparations and medications. Taking these recommendations into account will positively affect your recovery during and after surgery. If you smoke, it will be in your best interest to quit smoking at least 2 weeks before the operation, as smoking interferes with skin blood flow and has a bad effect on wound healing.

Whether your hair Transplant operation was performed at a plastic surgery center or a hospital, you need to arrange for a person who will take you home after the operation and who can accompany you for a day or two.

3- Anesthesia to be applied during hair Transplant surgery…

Most hair Transplant surgeries are performed under a combination of local anesthesia and sedation, no matter which technique is used. Thanks to this combination, if you are awake but relaxed despite a slight discomfort and a feeling of touch, but your scalp will be completely devoid of the feeling of pain and soreness.

According to the request of your plastic surgeon or yourself, your operation, if it involves a more complex procedure such as tissue expansion or flap procedure, can be performed under general anesthesia, which allows you to sleep completely during your operation.

4- Surgical Procedure…

Hair Transplant is an operation involving the re-placement of small pieces of scalp (graft) containing hair follicles taken from the donor area into bald or thinned areas. The sizes and shapes of these hair grafts vary. Round-shaped puch (piece) grafts usually contain 10 to 15 hair follicles, while smaller mini grafts contain 2 to 4, and micro grafts contain 1 or 2 hair follicles. Slit grafts, which are placed in the slits created on the scalp, contain 4 to 10 hair follicles, while strip grafts are long and thin in shape and contain 30 to 40 hair follicles.

Usually, it is necessary to wait several surgical sessions for a satisfactory result and several months between sessions to see sufficient improvement between these sessions. Decapitation is a very important part of the treatment. It takes about 2 years for the final result to be seen. The density of the transplanted area varies depending on the color and quality of the hair. Thick, gray or light-colored hair provides better hair coverage than thin and dark-colored hair. Although the senas in which large hair grafts are planted vary from person to person, an average of 50 hair grafts are planted, while this number can reach 700 in the number of mini or micro grafting process.

Just before the hair Transplant operation, the hair in the recipient area is shaved in order to easily reach and remove the hair grafts. For partial grafts, your plastic surgeon may use a special tube-like instrument made of sharp carbon steel to remove round-shaped hair grafts from the recipient area, and these hair grafts are usually used to create a forehead hairline. For other types of hair grafts, your plastic surgeon will take a strip containing hair from the recipient area with a scalpel and then cut them into small pieces to contain 1 or 2 hair follicles of each hair graft without damaging the hair follicles with the help of surgical augmentation glasses, and then place them in tiny skins that are opened with a scalpel again to the balding areas to be Transplant on your scalp. As the graft containing the scalp from the receiving area is divided into small pieces, your plastic surgeon may periodically inject serum under the scalp to increase skin tension. These small opened skins can be closed with one thin surgical stitch when a partial hair graft is applied, or they can be left without stitches in other graft types and an extremely thin and small scar tissue can be formed. If they are placed, the small stitches are easily camouflaged with the surrounding hair.

Hair grafts taken in order to prevent the blood circulation of the scalp from being affected are inserted through a slit less than half a cm hair decals can be filled with additional hair grafts between the previous skin during the later sessions. During the removal and Transplant of hair grafts, your plastic surgeon will do what is necessary to ensure that the hair on the receiving area is not badly affected and that the transplanted hair grows in its natural directions.

When the hair Transplant procedure is completed, your hair will be washed and cleaned, and then the gas will be turned off with a buffer. You may need to use a printed bandage for a few days. Some plastic surgeons allow their patients not to use bandages.

Plastic surgeons are the leaders of the principle of tissue expansion, a reconstructive procedure commonly used to close severe skin loss and burn wounds. The beginning of the use of this procedure in hair transplant surgery has provided a dramatic improvement in a relatively short time.

In the tissue expansion technique, a balloon-like instrument called a tissue expander is placed under the skin containing hair right next to the non-hair area. This balloon is inflated periodically with serum for a certain period of time, allowing the skin on it to expand and the number of skin cells to increase. This event leads to a swelling-like appearance under the scalp, especially a few weeks after the first swelling.

After the first operation, within about 2 months, the scalp is sufficiently expanded, and then the skin expanded by another operation is used to cover the adjacent balding area.

In the flap surgery technique, it is possible to close large balding areas and the planning varies according to each patient. Flap surgery on the scalp has been successfully performed for more than 20 years. The size and placement of the flap depends significantly on the person’s wishes and requirements. A single flap can serve as a graft of 350 or more parts. After removing part (or all) of the balding skin, a piece of skin containing the scalp is removed by cutting, although it is attached to the body at one end, and the new place is detected with the help of stitches, while the original blood flow is restored.

As you heal, you will see that the hair that grows right next to the skin incision camouflages the scar tissue.

In recent years, plastic surgeons have made important progress in flap surgery, and with the combined application of flap surgery and scalp reduction for the purpose of covering the scalp, or tissue expansion, a better and natural forehead-hairline has been created.

The technique of scalp reduction is sometimes known as the advancement flap technique, and the scalp is pulled or advanced towards the balding area.

Scalp reduction is used to cover the top of the head or the balding areas at the back. After the application of local anesthesia, a part of the balding area is removed. The amount of the hair region removed varies according to the patient’s request. If a large area needs to be covered, plastic surgeons remove an inverted Y-shaped balding area. Balding skin parts can also be removed in U, ovel or different ways.

The skin on the edge of the cut area is relaxed and pulled, and the skin areas containing hair are brought against each other and identified with the help of stitches. It is likely that you will feel a slight tugging sensation in your head at this stage.

5- After the operation…

How you will feel after the operation depends on the size and complexity of the operation performed. Pain, excessive tension or throbbing sensations will be controlled with painkillers that will be given.

If a bandage is used, the operation will be removed within the next day. All of the stitches will be removed within 7 to 10 days. Get information from your plastic surgeon about the possibility of swelling, bruising and leakage of the scalp.

You should stay away from jobs that require intense activity and sports that require close contact, as excessive activity can increase blood flow to the scalp and cause skin incisions or Transplant to bleed. Some plastic surgeons state that sexual activity should be avoided for up to 10 days.

In order to check the healing of the incisions on your scalp, your plastic surgeon will want to see you several times during the first month after the operation. It is recommended that you carefully follow the recommendations that your plastic surgeon will give during these checks.

6- Return to Normal…

The return to your normal life after the operation depends on the length, size and complexity of the operation.It is normal for you to feel well enough to return to work a few days after the operation and start light activities.

Many patients who have undergone hair Transplant (in partial, micro or other gerft methods) are horrified when their hair, which has just started to grow, begins to fall out within the first 6 weeks after the operation. Remember, this is normal and almost always temporary. After this hair loss, it may take up to 6 weeks for new ones to appear again. Hey, you can expect to grow an average of half an inch of hair per month.

7- Our New Look…

After your skin incisions have healed, a small surgical intervention called “touch” may be required to achieve a more natural appearance. Sometimes in this case, hairline restoration can be performed with mini or micro hair grafts. If you have undergone flap surgery, folds called “dog ears” may remain visible on your scalp, but these can be removed with a small intervention by your plastic surgeon after the healing is complete.

Turkey Medicals Co-ordinator, “It should be expected that you will usually need a small “touch” operation. Your Turkish Operator Doctor plastic surgeon in Istanbul will usually predict what size of surgical procedure will be required in the future.”



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President of Organ Transplant Center at MedicalPark Hospital Antalya

Turkey's world-renowned organ transplant specialist. Dr. Demirbaş has 104 international publications and 102 national publications.

Physician's Resume:

Born on August 7, 1963 in Çorum, Prof. Dr. Alper Demirbaş has been continuing his work as the President of MedicalPark Antalya Hospital Organ Transplantation Center since 2008.

Prof. who performed the first tissue incompatible kidney transplant in Turkey, the first blood type incompatible kidney transplant, the first kidney-pancreas transplant program and the first cadaveric donor and live donor liver transplant in Antalya. Dr. As of August 2016, Alper Demirbaş has performed 4900 kidney transplants, 500 liver transplants and 95 pancreas transplants.

In addition to being the chairman of 6 national congresses, he has also been an invited speaker at 12 international and 65 national scientific congresses. Dr. Alper Demirbaş was married and the father of 1 girl and 1 boy.


Eczacibasi Medical Award of 2002, Akdeniz University Service Award of 2005, Izder Medical Man of the Year Award of 2006, BÖHAK Medical Man of the Year Award of 2007, Sabah Mediterranean Newspaper Scientist of the Year Award of 2007, ANTIKAD Scientist of the Year Award of 2009, Social Ethics Association Award of 2010, Işık University Medical Man of the Year Award of 2015, VTV Antalya's Brand Value Award of 2015.


Doctor of Medicine Degree Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Ankara, General Surgeon Ministry of Health Turkey EKFMG (0-477-343-8), University of Miami School of Medicine Member of Multiple Organ Transplant, ASTS Multiorgan Transplant Scholarship. Lecturer at Kyoto University. Lecturer at University of Essen, Research assistant at the University of Cambridge .

Professional Members:

American Society of Transplant Surgeons, American Transplantation Society Nominated, Middle East and Southern Africa Council Transplantation Society 2007, International Liver Transplantation Association, Turkish Transplantation Association, Turkish Society of Surgery, Turkish Hepatobiliary Surgery Association.


Our website contents consist of articles approved by our Web and Medical Editorial Board with the contributions of our physicians. Our contents are prepared only for informational purposes for public benefit. Be sure to consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Medically Reviewed by Professor Doctor Alper Demirbaş
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