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We seem to hear the questions flying in your head about how to spend your pregnancy. But rest assured, you can spend your pregnancy in the most beautiful way by following the tips below.

1- Prenatal courses
There can be no better opportunity than this to prepare yourself for motherhood. Whether you are pregnant or not, the door of these courses is open to expectant mothers. Everything is mentioned in detail, from baby care to the items you will take to the hospital. Just decide to become a mother.

2- Alcohol
Experts often state that everyone should stay away from alcohol for a healthy life. The fact that alcohol used during pregnancy leads to undesirable situations in the baby is directly proportional to the amount of alcohol taken. But there is currently no proven data on the lowest amount of alcohol. Nevertheless, it is clear from the studies conducted that excessive alcohol has bad consequences for the development and mental retardation of the baby, up to deaths at birth. Be you, no matter how much you love alcohol, forget about drinking from the moment you think about getting pregnant. Think of other alternatives instead. How about a fruit cocktail with lots of ice and mineral water?

3- Check up
We hope that you are not neglecting your regular doctor checkups and checkups that you need to do during your pregnancy. Remember, the most important thing is prenatal checks. High blood pressure and other serious health problems occur during blood and urine checks. We know that sensitive mothers will not skip this, but it is still our duty to remind them of this.

4- Dental problems
Pregnancy hormones make the gums very sensitive and open to infections. An increase in the level of the hormones estrogen and progesterone increases the accumulation of plaque on the teeth and causes gingivitis. Unless progressive dental problems are prevented, it can cause premature baby births. If you are planning to get pregnant, you should have your teeth checked before and do not forget to brush your teeth after every meal during pregnancy. If your doctor recommends it, you should use dental floss.

5- Feeding for two
Don’t get us wrong, we’re not telling you to eat twice as much. Unfortunately, there is a false information such as ”I am two creatures, I have to eat a lot”. However, the excess weight gained leads to various problems during childbirth. Therefore, be careful not to exceed the weight that your doctor will recommend. The total weight you will gain during pregnancy is on average 12 kg.is. Depending on the height and weight of the mother, this average may vary. By eating healthy, you can increase your calorie intake by up to 200 calories in the last stages of pregnancy. For example, a bowl of muesli equivalent to this calorie is a rich store of vitamins.

6- The holiday is your right
Every expectant mother deserves a good vacation before giving birth. The best time for vacation is the second trimester. But do not prefer exotic vacation destinations. Because it is not recommended to have injections and use malaria medication. Your pregnancy is 28 or 32. after the week, plane trips can be inconvenient. That’s why you need to arrange your departure and return well.

7- To do sports
Doing sports allows you to have an easy birth, if you stay away from heavy exercises, of course! For example, abdominal movements, called abdominals, are not recommended during pregnancy. “No, I can’t stop playing sports!” if you say, focus on swimming and walking. But if you don’t feel well after sports, you’ve missed sports too much. It’s great that you want to stay in shape, but there’s a lot of harm in exhausting yourself so much!

8- Hypnosis
If you are afraid of giving birth, try hypnotherapy, which allows you to be comfortable during childbirth. Thanks to hypnosis, the strength and performance of the muscles are improved, and throughout the birth, expectant mothers feel comfortable and have an easy birth. Nov. There are also CDs on the market that teach you how to relax before childbirth. With these methods, you can get your body and brain used to a comfortable birth and get rid of all your worries from your head.

9- Stress
We all have health concerns, if you are pregnant, your worries will increase twice. It is very important that you ask your doctor about any worries and problems that are bothering you. In addition, you can get help from our specialist doctors by passing on your questions to us.

10- Kegel exercises
Another name is pelvic exercises. It helps to prevent conditions such as urinary incontinence before and after childbirth. Moreover, they are very easy movements to make. First, empty your bladder. Then tighten your pelvic muscles and count to 10, and release and count to 10 once again. Nov. It will be enough to do these movements three times in the morning and in the evening.

11- Breastfeeding
You want to breastfeed your baby in the most beautiful way, without problems. A few information that you will get before childbirth will be very useful to you during breastfeeding.
In recent years, prenatal, special courses where mothers can come together and learn breastfeeding techniques and baby care have become very popular. By attending pregnancy courses, you will gain knowledge and you will be able to meet new expectant mothers like you.

12- Medications
Medication use during pregnancy is one of the sensitive issues. Sometimes expectant mothers who take medications without knowing that they are pregnant can unintentionally harm their baby. If you do not want a problematic pregnancy, use medication in consultation with your doctor.

13- Names
The Chinese believe that a person’s name is identified with their character. If her name is Happy, she will be a happy, positive person, as she will be… Naming your child to be born is perhaps the most fun part of pregnancy. Their parents have been in a rush to find a sweet name for almost nine months. The meanings of all the names that sound nice are researched and the most liked and memorable ones are preferred. Don’t rush, you have nine months to decide. Do a lot of research and take advantage of the Internet. We hope that according to the Chinese belief, your name will reflect positively on his personality…

14- The position of the baby in your stomach
It is very important how your baby stands in the womb. Because his posture determines whether he can come into the world in the normal way. If the baby’s head is down, an easy birth takes place. To hold this position, try sitting with your hips generally above knee level. For example, a chair that is not too low is ideal. Do not sit too much or stand too much. Besides, take regular walks without exhausting yourself.

15- Your right to pamper yourself
You’re not going to take your hands off everything just because you’re pregnant. In fact, we think pregnancy is a period when you should take care of yourself more. We recommend that you get a massage to relax and feel good. Never give up on your facial and pedicure. Pamper yourself as much as you can, it’s your right. Because you’re pregnant!

16- Reflexology
Reflexology, a kind of foot massage. It is applied to the feet with special hand techniques and accelerates the healing of the body in its own dynamics by dissolving the blocked energy in certain parts of the body. It relieves various pains from headaches to heartburn and allows you to have an easy childbirth. According to a study, 89% of expectant mothers who apply this massage relieve labor pains. It’s for us to say, it’s for you to try.

17- Sex
Let’s answer three basic questions that have been going through your mind about having sex while pregnant. Yes, there is no harm in having sex during this period! Yes, it’s very normal not to want sex while pregnant! Yes, it’s also very normal to want more sex! In addition, for a more comfortable sex life, decked out and seated on top of you are more suitable among the preferred positions when you are pregnant.

18- Urinary tract infection
It is one of the most common health problems that pregnant women face. According to the researches, it has been found that untreated urinary tract infections lead to important problems such as premature birth, hypertension. To minimize the risk of disease, experts recommend drinking two liters of water every day. It is also very important to use clean toilets In addition, cranberry juice helps to expel bacteria, you can drink a glass a day.

19- Vitamins
Experts emphasize that vitamin intake is very important during pregnancy. Let’s remind you too. It is very important that you take folic acid to prevent the birth of children with disabilities, iron to prevent anemia, vitamin B for energy and vitamin E for the risk of miscarriage.

20- Water
Whether you want to swim, fill the bathtub and enjoy a bath, spending time in the water will do you good. You will feel lighter. Let’s also remind those who think that water birth relieves pain by water birth.

21- X-Ray
There are dangerous sides to being exposed to X-Rays while pregnant, as it involves radiation. So what is the harm of radiation? Let’s briefly explain right away. Radiation has a destructive effect on rapidly dividing and multiplying cells. Therefore, the fetus may be damaged by rays. Of course, let’s not forget that this damage depends on the size and duration. If you have had an X-ray without knowing that you are pregnant, do not worry immediately. You may not have been harmed, take your precautions by contacting your doctor without worrying.

22- Yoga
Nowadays, there is a false belief such as ”Exercising during pregnancy causes miscarriage”. However, there is no harm in doing sports as long as you do not overexert yourself and make the right movements. On the contrary, it has benefits. Swimming and walking, which are preferred by pregnant women, are known as the most favorite sports, and yoga has also been added to these sports these days. Of course, this exercise, called prenatal yoga, is a little simpler than regular yoga. But the benefits don’t stop counting. By strengthening your sports muscles with movements that do not tire the expectant mother, it allows you to spend the childbirth process and the aftermath very comfortably, and you feel great comfort by relieving your stress. Nov.

23- Sleep
Sleeping with a baby in your belly will not be as easy as it used to be. Especially if you prefer to lie on your back and face down, what a letter for these lying positions in the later months of pregnancy that you will be homesick for! But it’s not that hard to get used to. Try taking a nap during the day when you can’t sleep well at night. According to research, expectant mothers who take a nap for only half an hour during the day become much fitter during the day. Go to sleep and let him grow up!

24- Don’t believe everything you’re told
Anyone who hears that you are pregnant will give you reason. Of course, it is very important to get help and advice from experienced people. But it is also not right to believe everything that is said. For example, do not believe in hearsay ideas such as if you do not eat what you want when you are pregnant, a stain will appear on your body, or if your belly is big, you will have a girl.

25- Don’t mind the stains
While some women’s skin becomes beautiful during pregnancy, others’ skin starts to become dry and blotchy. There may be an increase in skin cracks. Birthmarks, moles and nipples darken. The line located in the middle line on the abdomen becomes darker and more pronounced. After childbirth, these changes return to normal. So there is no need to bother you at all.

26- Think of beautiful things
Women are much more emotional than men. During pregnancy, this sensuality doubles. Even if you have concerns, leave yourself alone a little and start thinking positive things. Remember, however you look at life, continue as you are. Do not waste time to open a new page.

27- Body care
The female body requires more care during pregnancy than at other times. The attention you show to your body allows you to have a healthy pregnancy period and for your body to easily return to its former state after childbirth. Therefore, pay the necessary attention to your body cleansing and care during pregnancy. Apply plenty of moisturizer and protect your body against stretch marks.

28- Excessive heat is harmful
Cases of sunstroke are very common during extremely hot weather in summer. Be you, avoid extreme temperatures and drink plenty of fluids. Remember, dehydration of the body can even cause contractions in the uterus and premature birth.

29- Quit smoking
We know that you do not smoke during pregnancy. But still, if there are mothers who fall into this mistake, let’s remind them how great dangers it will lead to. Expectant mothers who smoke expect serious health problems from premature baby birth to giving birth to a disabled child. If you have had difficulty quitting smoking before, your pregnancy will be a good opportunity to quit smoking. While you’re ready, don’t make the mistake of smoking again after pregnancy.

30-. Don’t wear heels
Choose to wear comfortable clothes and flat shoes during pregnancy. Experts constantly warn that joint pains and permanent disabilities may occur in women who wear heels during pregnancy. Choose low-heeled shoes. In addition, shoes with no heels at all, such as high heels, can also cause your waistline to be strained.

31- Eating apples
Eating a lot of apples during pregnancy protects your baby from asthma. Did you know about this? Yes, you didn’t hear that wrong. Dutch and Scottish scientists have monitored the diet of about 2 thousand pregnant women and checked their lung function. As a result of the Ave research, it was found that 145 children whose mothers did not eat apples during pregnancy got asthma by the time they were 5 years old. Of course, it is not possible to cope with asthma only with apples. We know this, but eat apples knowing that they contribute to preventing asthma. This means that you will not drop the apple from your hand during your pregnancy!

32- Stay away from caffeine
Caffeine is not a vitamin or a nutrient. Caffeine has no nutritional value. Studies show that high caffeine intake during pregnancy (more than 6 cups of coffee per day) may be associated with the cause of miscarriages, especially second trimester miscarriages.
You can enjoy drinks containing caffeine, provided that you do not overdo it. It always hurts the most to decide for the few!

33- Don’t dangle your feet
The volume of blood circulating in the veins of these women during pregnancy is more than 50%. Increased blood volume leads to dilation of the vessels, which leads to swelling in the body. When you get the opportunity during the day, put your foot on a chair or similar object and raise it in the air for a while. Try to do this at every opportunity. . If you are working, stay at home as long as possible in the evenings. Do not sit with your feet hanging down.

34- Eat eggs
The benefits of eggs do not end with counting. It is rich in vitamins A, B, D and E. In addition, iodine, which is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, and phosphorus, which is needed for healthy teeth and bones, are also found in the egg. Eggs, which are also rich in iron, contain zinc and selenium elements, which are necessary for strengthening the immune system. If you have people who don’t like eggs, it would be better to start liking them as soon as possible!

35- For the milk
The amount of milk that a pregnant woman should drink is one glass a day according to some, and one liter according to others, it depends on the body. Drinking milk provides the calcium that the baby’s bones need to strengthen, and it is also necessary for you rather than your baby. If you are not getting enough calcium in the late stages of your pregnancy, this condition often manifests itself in the form of leg cramps. Liking milk is an advantage. But you don’t have to worry about not liking it either. You can also get your calcium needs from cheese and milk.

36- Get a massage
During pregnancy, the body undergoes a major change. In the meantime, some kind of problems, to have pains it is normal. For this reason, massages specially applied to pregnant women both relax you and are good for your pains. Massage also gives women a feeling of carefulness from a psychological point of view. Do not say no to massages made by professional hands. Let your body celebrate.

37- Our new sports exercise is pilates
Do you want to relax both your mind and body? Then try doing pilates.
As a result of increased pressure in the inner abdomen during pregnancy, problems occur in the coccyx. Although you may not realize it, you will feel pains in the coccyx due to the wrong way of sitting. These pains are the 20th of pregnancy. it may increase after a week and continue after childbirth. Here are the pilates exercises that put an end to all your complaints and allow you to relax both physically and spiritually.

38- Walk
Walking, which should be a part of your daily life, is an activity for pregnant women. You can walk whenever you want, wherever you want. Moreover, the fact that you are pregnant does not prevent this. You can walk in the park, in the garden, on special trails, in fact, even in any open space. Just make sure that there are no slopes and too many stairs, and stay fit and burn your excess calories by taking 30-60 minute walks in the morning and evening.

39- Eat fish
The benefits of fish do not end with counting. Especially if you are pregnant, definitely consume fish twice a week. According to research, consuming plenty of fish during pregnancy strengthens the language development of the baby to be born, reduces the risk of getting eczema. Salmon, mackerel and tuna are among the richest fish species for the development of infant intelligence. 

40- Aromatherapy
High blood pressure is the most dangerous disease that puts pregnancy at risk. But there are ways to reduce this risk with various oils. For example, lavender and marjoram oils. You can relax by pouring these oils into a handkerchief and smelling them or having them applied with aromatherapy massages. Just do not apply every oil you have heard to your body without researching it. Find out if its use during pregnancy is correct.

41- Take a break
We know that most women have to work in a hurry even when they are pregnant! Of course, we’re not saying to take your hands off your feet from every job just because you’re pregnant, but getting your body used to the pregnancy process can cause different biological changes in you. For example, one minute you are very emotional, the next you are very angry. Take a 5-minute break when you feel like this. Take a deep breath and think about your baby.

42- Sleep with the window open
You may experience sleep problems during pregnancy. Especially at night, your sleep may be interrupted frequently during the later pregnancy periods, and your snoring may increase. For a more comfortable quality sleep, try sleeping by leaving your window open when the weather is not cold. Getting fresh and fresh air will make it easier for you to fall asleep.

43- Meet with friends
Not only your physical health, but also your mental health is very important during pregnancy. Whether you are having a difficult pregnancy or comfortable, do not break off communication with your friends at all. Even if you are sleeping at home, invite your friends to your house. It will be moral for you to have a conversation together.

44- Cold foods
One of the biggest problems of pregnant women is nausea. Nausea is the 5th and 6th of pregnancy. it starts during the week and is more common in the morning. These nausea continue for the first 3 months and then decrease. Especially if nausea occurs due to odors, choose cold ones instead of hot dishes. Remember, the severity of nausea differs for everyone. If your sister’s pregnancy went through with nausea, there is no rule that the same thing will happen to you.

45- Change your shopping list
You can’t eat everything you want because you’re pregnant. You need to remove some nutrients from your shopping list that may be harmful. For example, such foods as moldy cheeses, mayonnaise, mustard, canned foods… Such foods can endanger the health of your baby with the harmful bacteria they contain.

46- Driving a car
Be careful not to drive later in your pregnancy.When fastening the seat belt, make sure that it passes under your stomach, not over it, and is at the level of your hips. Since your stomach is enlarged and it is very close to the steering wheel, there is a high probability that the steering wheel will hit your stomach in the event of a possible accident. Therefore, when it comes to the last weeks, let someone else drive the car.

47- Folic acid
Among the vitamins that you will take to give birth to a healthy baby, folic acid is of great importance. Decongestant folic acid. Folic acid, a kind of B vitamin, is recommended by doctors that you should take it every day before getting pregnant and during pregnancy. It shows a 70 percent reduction in neck and spinal cord diseases in babies of mothers who take this vitamin. It is also very effective in cell growth and organ development. If you are pregnant, start folic acid supplementation immediately in consultation with your doctor in Turkey.

48- Do not wear tight clothes
With your belly growing day by day, it may become difficult to find clothes from your closet. We don’t know how interested you are in shopping, but now you have a good excuse to buy new clothes. What you should pay attention to is to stay away from wearing tight clothes while pregnant! If you prefer comfortable and cotton clothes without compromising on your elegance, your movements will be more comfortable.

49- Listen to music
Whoever said it was true said it. Music is really the food of the soul! The fastest tool that softens a stressful day full of nervous tension in the shortest possible time is music. In your daily life, you are never missing in the car, at work, at home, even from your phone. Even when you are pregnant, it is your biggest fun that you enjoy making your baby listen. Never stop this habit, because when your baby is born, the music will be familiar to his ears thanks to you.

50- Recommendations, measures
If being an expectant mother is a first for you, it is inevitable that you will be excited. On the other hand, worries, the thought of the moment of birth, the health of your baby and the weight you will gain begin to wander around in your head. It will be very comforting for you to share with mothers who have experience at such times. In addition, if you have any concerns about diseases, find out about the diseases passed on in your family by asking your grandparents and take precautions.

Stay with love.

Turkey Medicals Co-ordinator, MD



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President of Organ Transplant Center at MedicalPark Hospital Antalya

Turkey's world-renowned organ transplant specialist. Dr. Demirbaş has 104 international publications and 102 national publications.

Physician's Resume:

Born on August 7, 1963 in Çorum, Prof. Dr. Alper Demirbaş has been continuing his work as the President of MedicalPark Antalya Hospital Organ Transplantation Center since 2008.

Prof. who performed the first tissue incompatible kidney transplant in Turkey, the first blood type incompatible kidney transplant, the first kidney-pancreas transplant program and the first cadaveric donor and live donor liver transplant in Antalya. Dr. As of August 2016, Alper Demirbaş has performed 4900 kidney transplants, 500 liver transplants and 95 pancreas transplants.

In addition to being the chairman of 6 national congresses, he has also been an invited speaker at 12 international and 65 national scientific congresses. Dr. Alper Demirbaş was married and the father of 1 girl and 1 boy.


Eczacibasi Medical Award of 2002, Akdeniz University Service Award of 2005, Izder Medical Man of the Year Award of 2006, BÖHAK Medical Man of the Year Award of 2007, Sabah Mediterranean Newspaper Scientist of the Year Award of 2007, ANTIKAD Scientist of the Year Award of 2009, Social Ethics Association Award of 2010, Işık University Medical Man of the Year Award of 2015, VTV Antalya's Brand Value Award of 2015.


Doctor of Medicine Degree Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Ankara, General Surgeon Ministry of Health Turkey EKFMG (0-477-343-8), University of Miami School of Medicine Member of Multiple Organ Transplant, ASTS Multiorgan Transplant Scholarship. Lecturer at Kyoto University. Lecturer at University of Essen, Research assistant at the University of Cambridge .

Professional Members:

American Society of Transplant Surgeons, American Transplantation Society Nominated, Middle East and Southern Africa Council Transplantation Society 2007, International Liver Transplantation Association, Turkish Transplantation Association, Turkish Society of Surgery, Turkish Hepatobiliary Surgery Association.


Our website contents consist of articles approved by our Web and Medical Editorial Board with the contributions of our physicians. Our contents are prepared only for informational purposes for public benefit. Be sure to consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Medically Reviewed by Professor Doctor Alper Demirbaş
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