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Mini Facelift

Mini face lift surgery is a topic that our patients ask very often and there is serious confusion about it. By mini, we mean the reduction, shortening and reduction of some features related to face lift surgery.

In mini face lift surgery, for example, anesthesia shrinks. Mini face lift surgery does not necessarily require general anesthesia, it can be easily performed under local anesthesia with the contribution of a mild sedative drug most of the time.

The operation time is getting shorter in mini face lift surgery. The scope of the surgical procedure on the face is getting smaller. The recovery time after surgery is getting shorter, bruising, swelling are getting less.

The trace of mini face lift surgery is shorter than the trace of classic face lift surgery. In a classic face lift operation, the surgical scar starts in front of the favorite line, passes in front of the ear, then turns behind the ear, goes up along the back of the ear, and then turns around and extends to the hairline at the nape of the neck. In mini face lift surgery, this scar is limited only in front of the ear.

The price of mini face lift surgery is usually cheaper than comprehensive face lift surgeries. Patients return to social life and business life in a shorter time.

Everything is very nice so far.

On the other hand, the effect of mini face lift surgery is also “mini”. It affects only a very small part of the face restricted to the jawline. In facial aesthetics, where integrity is very important, there is a possibility that limited interventions may look incompatible with the rest of the face. The duration of the effect is shorter in mini face lift surgery. A return to the preoperative state is inevitable within a few years. In a mini face lift, the scar, yes, is short, but it is in front of the ear. Since the place where permission attracts the most attention in face lift surgeries is in front of the ear, we can say that the mini face lift surgery has a similar distinctiveness to the classic face lift surgery in terms of the final aesthetic total.

The vast majority of patients who want a mini face lift surgery see positive shrinkage and do not want the shrinkage under the effect of surgery while desiring it. In my philosophy, a “minimalist” surgery can only be compared to classical surgery as long as it accomplishes the same job and has the same effectiveness. In this context, it is not correct to compare ”mini” face lift surgery with more comprehensive face lift surgeries or to think of them as alternatives to each other.

The ideal patient group for mini face lift surgery is made up of individuals in their 40s who cannot spare time for more extensive procedures at a very busy work pace, live actively, are aware of the limitations of the procedure, and early stage signs of aging are mostly seen along the jawline.
Stay with love.

Op. Dr.

Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery SPECIALIST



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President of Organ Transplant Center at MedicalPark Hospital Antalya

Turkey's world-renowned organ transplant specialist. Dr. Demirbaş has 104 international publications and 102 national publications.

Physician's Resume:

Born on August 7, 1963 in Çorum, Prof. Dr. Alper Demirbaş has been continuing his work as the President of MedicalPark Antalya Hospital Organ Transplantation Center since 2008.

Prof. who performed the first tissue incompatible kidney transplant in Turkey, the first blood type incompatible kidney transplant, the first kidney-pancreas transplant program and the first cadaveric donor and live donor liver transplant in Antalya. Dr. As of August 2016, Alper Demirbaş has performed 4900 kidney transplants, 500 liver transplants and 95 pancreas transplants.

In addition to being the chairman of 6 national congresses, he has also been an invited speaker at 12 international and 65 national scientific congresses. Dr. Alper Demirbaş was married and the father of 1 girl and 1 boy.


Eczacibasi Medical Award of 2002, Akdeniz University Service Award of 2005, Izder Medical Man of the Year Award of 2006, BÖHAK Medical Man of the Year Award of 2007, Sabah Mediterranean Newspaper Scientist of the Year Award of 2007, ANTIKAD Scientist of the Year Award of 2009, Social Ethics Association Award of 2010, Işık University Medical Man of the Year Award of 2015, VTV Antalya's Brand Value Award of 2015.


Doctor of Medicine Degree Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Ankara, General Surgeon Ministry of Health Turkey EKFMG (0-477-343-8), University of Miami School of Medicine Member of Multiple Organ Transplant, ASTS Multiorgan Transplant Scholarship. Lecturer at Kyoto University. Lecturer at University of Essen, Research assistant at the University of Cambridge .

Professional Members:

American Society of Transplant Surgeons, American Transplantation Society Nominated, Middle East and Southern Africa Council Transplantation Society 2007, International Liver Transplantation Association, Turkish Transplantation Association, Turkish Society of Surgery, Turkish Hepatobiliary Surgery Association.


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Medically Reviewed by Professor Doctor Alper Demirbaş
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